Monday, January 30, 2023

Attachements are Painful!

 Never be too available to anybody. Never be too possessive of anybody too in life. Be it your friends , family , couins or whoever it maybe. 
Never ever get too attached. We never know when , in what way and how people will change and that will truly hurt the most I swear and mean it with all my heart. 
Someone asked me:
Who hurt you?
I replied:
My Own Expectations. 
Attachments and possessiveness lead to expectations and all that expectations lead to are dissappointments , sadness and tears. 
So , try not to get too possessive , too attached and mainly , try not to expect what you give in return since you don't know what the other person is going through and how he/she feels about you. They may not feel the same way you do. 
Accept the fact that everyone changes just like seasons do due to various reasons.They are not the same always. Accept it though it's hard to digest and try to adjust to the situation. 
Life isn't always rosy and easy , we gotta sail through it however it is. 
You maybe important now but once your need is done , you are no-one to them just within nano seconds. 
My best friend changed but she's always extra special to me. 
She got busy , she needs to give her time and attention to many people at the same time but she will always remain my close friend and I gotta understand and adjust until everything is fine though it hurts. 
Adjustment and adapting to situations is very important in life to tackle any sort of problem that arises. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

A Caring Friend

 Yes , we secretly have an eye on each other and care for each other. 
A caring friend is far better than a million other friends who pretend to care and that they are true friends. 
You are amazing in and out, friendly, very caring, kind, have a heart of gold, sweet,sensitive yet strong, loyal, understanding, helpful, trustworthy, forgiving, cheerful, lively, jovial, fun to be around with and appreciative. 
Our care for each other and friendship will never tarnish or ever grow old. It basically has or knows no bounds. 
Whoever comes in between will come and go but your bond with me and my bond with you is held with a strong yet cute, special golden thread namely friendship. 
You will always be there and that's a fact and I know it's true and so will I be there. 
Unexpected frienships are the best I heard but I never believed it unless I expreinced one such friendship. 
I said yes with a bright smile though once I met my friend who became close to me in a very short span of time in the most unexpected manner ever. 
I can always smile at her and say "THAT'S MY FRIEND"!
A caring friend doesn't have to speak loud, her expressions make me understand if she's fine or not and she can clearly make out from my expressions if I am okay or not. 
It's not the mouth that really speaks, actions, facial expressions speak louder than words and you know what speaks the loudest? 
A heart that feels. 

Beauty of Love

 Love is sweet in the beginning and bitter at the end, he said. 
Not necessarily, she said. 
It could be bitter in the beginning and sweet at the end.
Love is a magical feeling for real. It has no bounds. 
We don't know when it will build, eventually over time, it will just build without our notice. 
Your caring nature and the vibes we carry when we are together touch my heart. 
Our sweet, inner talks are uncountable and they do hold many secrets. 
I saw you were perfect and so, I loved you. Then, I saw you were not perfect and I loved you even more. Love is all about resepcting their boundaries, their space, flaws and imperfections. 
Love is not something you find, it is something that finds you. 
Your beloved person is your go to person for anything and everything and you can be yourself without any hesitation. 
You can be as childish as possible and as idiotic as possible as you know he only finds it cute. 
I am not only talking about lovers,partners or love birds here, 
you could love your best friend too? Isn't it? 
Agreed or not? 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Happy Republic Day

 On this special occasion, let us promise our motherland that we will do everything possible to preserve our ethos, treasure and heritage. 
During the flag hoisting, let us all remember all the super heroes who sacrified their life, let us keep our heads held high and our chins up with utmost pride and love for the nation. 
Being the younger generation of the country, let us pledge to keep it protected,let us promise to work for its enrichment. India is an amazing country, its heritage is unmatchable so let us preserve this beauty and pass it on to our future generations. 
Happy Republic Day to one and all!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Bhōgi śubhākāṅkṣalu

 May the fire burn out all the negativity and bring thhe best out in your life. 
Let this festive spirit be alive always and let it be the beginning of every auspicious occasion in each one of your lives. Leave the past and evil behind, make a fresh start and move ahead for a great future. 
Hope you always rise high like the colourful kites that dot the sky. 
The joyous and bright times are here so, let us all welcome the new year with positivity and a bright smile. 
Happy Bhogi to each one of you from the bottom of my heart. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Childhood Friends

As children, we grew up together. 
Swearing to be friends forever. 
Sometimes, we argue and fight even till today. 
Though you are elder to me, I feel my vibe in you. You are just like me( A kid of my age and at heart). 
Other times we would laugh and stay up all night. 
My thoughts and feelings I could confide to you without having anything to hide because I know you won’t judge and you will only try to help me out and console me. 
Times changing and things staying the same between us(the pagalpaan, the naughtiness and what not). 
To each other, we listen and share. 
About each other, we always care. 

College Friendship

 I must say it’s the best kind of friendship. 
They take the word WORRY out of my vocabulary and just replace it with HAPPINESS within seconds and without any effort. 
Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 
Friends who understand your tears are more valuable than a lot of friends who only saw and know your smile. 
The miracle called friendship dwells within your heart, 
You never know how it happens or when it starts? But the happiness they give you always gives you a lift. 
Friendship is the name of various feelings like understanding , honesty and frankness between 2 very unique and different kinds of mentalities and people in college. But yes I must say I am lucky to have found the sweetest ones and the most lively , jovial gang. 
Wanna know my happy place? 
My friends- being with them, spending time with them and what not. 
I love the way they make me laugh even when I am at my lowest. 
I am honestly happy and grateful for the gift called friendship. 

A parent’s love

No gift on earth is greater, 
The joy that comes from knowing, 
Parent’s endless love. 
In spite of how it’s tested, 
It grows year by year, 
Providing us confidence, strength and comfort, 
It always draws us near. 
It warms and protects us ,  and keeps guiding us like a shedding and guiding light. 
Thank You , Mom. 
Thank You , Dad. 
You are my world. 
Three small words. 
So much to add. 
For all your love and support, 
A million words should be too short. 
The words “I Love You” seem too few to express my tremendous love towards the both of you. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...