Monday, January 30, 2023

Attachements are Painful!

 Never be too available to anybody. Never be too possessive of anybody too in life. Be it your friends , family , couins or whoever it maybe. 
Never ever get too attached. We never know when , in what way and how people will change and that will truly hurt the most I swear and mean it with all my heart. 
Someone asked me:
Who hurt you?
I replied:
My Own Expectations. 
Attachments and possessiveness lead to expectations and all that expectations lead to are dissappointments , sadness and tears. 
So , try not to get too possessive , too attached and mainly , try not to expect what you give in return since you don't know what the other person is going through and how he/she feels about you. They may not feel the same way you do. 
Accept the fact that everyone changes just like seasons do due to various reasons.They are not the same always. Accept it though it's hard to digest and try to adjust to the situation. 
Life isn't always rosy and easy , we gotta sail through it however it is. 
You maybe important now but once your need is done , you are no-one to them just within nano seconds. 
My best friend changed but she's always extra special to me. 
She got busy , she needs to give her time and attention to many people at the same time but she will always remain my close friend and I gotta understand and adjust until everything is fine though it hurts. 
Adjustment and adapting to situations is very important in life to tackle any sort of problem that arises. 

1 comment:

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...