Friday, January 27, 2023

A Caring Friend

 Yes , we secretly have an eye on each other and care for each other. 
A caring friend is far better than a million other friends who pretend to care and that they are true friends. 
You are amazing in and out, friendly, very caring, kind, have a heart of gold, sweet,sensitive yet strong, loyal, understanding, helpful, trustworthy, forgiving, cheerful, lively, jovial, fun to be around with and appreciative. 
Our care for each other and friendship will never tarnish or ever grow old. It basically has or knows no bounds. 
Whoever comes in between will come and go but your bond with me and my bond with you is held with a strong yet cute, special golden thread namely friendship. 
You will always be there and that's a fact and I know it's true and so will I be there. 
Unexpected frienships are the best I heard but I never believed it unless I expreinced one such friendship. 
I said yes with a bright smile though once I met my friend who became close to me in a very short span of time in the most unexpected manner ever. 
I can always smile at her and say "THAT'S MY FRIEND"!
A caring friend doesn't have to speak loud, her expressions make me understand if she's fine or not and she can clearly make out from my expressions if I am okay or not. 
It's not the mouth that really speaks, actions, facial expressions speak louder than words and you know what speaks the loudest? 
A heart that feels. 


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...