Tuesday, July 26, 2022

"The Sons of India"

They crushed our enemies and sorrow, 
they gave up their today for our tomorrow. 
When we were sitting at our homes cozily, our soldiers were bleeding exuberantly. 
When we spoke of how much we loved India, 
our soldiers hands down once again proved how much they loved the nation. 
When we slept in our rooms warm and safe, 
they laid wide awake there in the freezing cold. 
Kargil is not just the story of winning. 
It's a story of pain and pride, a story you will have tears of grief with a joyful smile. 
A story where death is not THE END. 
A story which will never be forgotten. 
Our flag doesn't fly because of the breeze; it flies because each soldier who died guarding it breathed his or her final breath. 
Salute to the Indian Army. 
Let us remember all our brave hearts and warriors on this day. 
Jai Hind! 

Kind Words

Kind hearts are the gardens, 
Kind words are the roots, 
Kind thoughts are the flowers, 
Kind deeds are the fruits. 
Take care of the garden and keep out the weeds. 
Before you speak, make sure ypur words pass 3 gates: 
At the first gate, ask yourself, 
if it's true? 
At the second one, ask if it's necessary at that moment/ point of time. 
At the third one, ask if it's kind? 
Act with kindness, with a kind heart and with kind words but never expect gratitude in return. 
Kind words can be short, but their echoes can be endless. 
Always think twice before you speak because the words you choose can only be forgiven, not forgotten. 
Your words decide your friends circle, character, etc. So, speak in before you speak out. 
Test your words. 
Once something is said, it is said and can't be taken back so be very careful and don't let your mood affect your words or what you speak. The tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart. 

Silence and Smile

 Both silence as well as smile are two poerful tools. 
 Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems. 
Successful people always 2 things on their lips- silence and a beautiful smile. 
Defend yourself with a smile, attack with silence when situations are not at your favour. 
Life is a series of events, just stay silent and move on with a smile. 

life's stepping stones

 Life is a series of stepping stones; 
Each stone is a decision you make, conscious/ unconscious. 
It is a clear picture of why your life is the way it is today. Don't carry your mistakes and failures along with you. 
Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. 
If it's a good moment/ memory, it's wonderful but if it's bad/ if you fail, it's experience. 
Life is a collection of changes. So, don't avoid them. Take every change as a challenge. Some give success and some act as stepping stones to success. 
Every person you meet in life is like a stepping stone. 
They help you advance a short distance to get you to where you need to be. 
Some you run quick across, some you stumble on, some you jump right over and some you rest awhile on to catch your balance, but you keep going and in the end, you get to where you are meant to be.
Consider the possibility that the little obstacles in life are not obstacles at all, but stepping stones. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

My Guiding Light

 My music teacher helps me find the song in my heart, the beat in my feet and a passion for life. 
My teacher touches my heart one note(swaram) at a time. 
Thank you so much ma'am for being my guiding light, mentor, a friend and even more. 
Every week you help me become a better vocalist while keeping each varnam, lesson and song fun. 
You are kind, understanding, and patient. You always know how to motivate and inspire me. I began from nowhere and you made me reach a stage where I adore my own voice and singing. 
All my knowledge and love for music comes from your teachings. 
I am really grateful to you for introducing me to this vast world of music with so many possibilities. 
Many people let me down but you always supported me and held my hand, you taught me to walk when I couldn't even crawl properly in terms of music. 
The place that music holds in my heart is because of you ma'am! 
Her teaching helped me start, 
and she's won my heart. 


Dedicated to each one of my buddies who are going to different places for their higher studies and pursuing their own interests. Adios!  
Now is the time to say our goodbyes, 
your leaving almost brings tears to my eyes, 
Instead I will give all of you a smile, 
I know you guys are leaving just for a while. 
And we will see each other again one day, 
And just like the old times we will have plenty to say. 
We are not the trunks of immobile trees
but rather, the fussy leaves that break away and fly up on the wind on their own adventures. 
Until we meet again, 
be safe in your flight as you travel into sunrise and night. 
Adios mis amigos, with a heavy heart. 
Goodbye and Good Luck with everything each one of you will do in the future. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Ek bahan kee tarah chhota dost

 Dedicated to one of my smallest friend cum sister- Aashritha 
Giggles, secrets, sometimes tears, sisters and friends through the years. 
I love the fact that my smallest friend happens to be more like my sister. 
Thank you for being my chhota supporter despite not being my family. You have made me realize that family isn't only by blood and that everyone deserves the gift of friendship.
My dear sister-friend, I really want you to know a couple of things. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I hope you always feel loved. If you ever need a break from this world, remember I am here with unconditional love and we both will pack our bags and just flee together, go to a peaceful and calm place. 
I may not agree or actively respond to every decision you make but, as a sister, I will support you. Remember whenever you need a shoulder to cry upon, my arms are wide open. 
I will make sure to wipe away your tears and cry with you. 
You are a lil champ meri yaar. An intelligent young girl who always succeeds in everything she does no matter what. 
A strong, rock solid baby doll you are sweetie. 
Your heart as pure as gold, your thinking and behaviour as young and jovial as you are. You annoy me a lot sometimes but at the end of the day, you make me laugh till my stomach hurts. 
You bring back all my childhood days and memories. 
Thank you so much for entering my small world, bringing joy and extra love into my life. 
I still remember the day we met. 
You were too young back then. 
I remember that innocent, crying cum smiling face of yours. 
As you saw us, your crying cum smiling face turned into a complete smiling face, here is an indication that we will be together forever. 
Remember wherever we are in this world, I will stand by you, walk with you, guide you and love you. 
Keep that charming face alive with a bright smile on always and be as jovial, proactive and sportive as you are forever. 



 Life is a series of sorrow and joy, 
Of gladness and pain, 
Or of successes and failures. 
There are times of hatred, 
There exist times of unconditional love, too. 
There is a time to quarrel and a time to reconcile. 
There can be reasons to cry and reasons to smile, too. 
No feeling remains the same forever, no moment remains till eternity. 
As time keeps going on and on, it changes everything. 
Life is a race!! 
Change is eternal as we grow so, accept the change positively and move on. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Forever Friends

 If sorrow was paper, I would throw it away without a second thought. 
If happiness was water, I would drink it. 
If dreams were everlasting, I would live forever. 
At times, life is hard but friendship keeps us pressing on. 
A true emotion it is from the heart, 
It's there right from the start. 
Friendship is a network which doesn't require any recharge, charging, roaming, validity, and activation, just be careful not to switch off your heart because that is where friendship resides. 
F avourite memories 
R eal feelings 
I nner secrets
E mbarassing yet enjoyable moments 
D reams of the heart 
S uccesses and failures 
H ard times and celebrations 
I nspirational talks
P layful days and serious times
True friends 
A ceept you as you are 
B elieve in you 
C elebrate your successes 
D efend you 
E ncourage you 
F orgive you no matter what 
G ive you what you want 
H ave patience( deal with you patiently) 
I nspire you 
J udge you 
K eep your secrets 
L ove you for who you are 
M ake you feel better when you are down 
N ever abandon you 
O pen doors for you 
P oint fingers at you when you are mistaken and correct you 
Q uell your fears 
R estore your confidence 
S hare your joys and sorrows 
T ell you the truth 
U nderstand you best 
V alue you 
W ant the best for you 
X pect the best from you 
Y ank you back to reality when you are day dreaming sometimes😋
Z ero in on what's wrong. 


 A is for achieving, it maybe hard but nothing you want comes easily. 
M indset, go with positivity and you will succeed definitely. 
B rush aside boulders on the road to your dreams. 
I nspiration, look up to those who came before. 
T est yourself, push yourself to the best you can be and beyond. 
I ntrigue, have a hunger to learn more. 
O vercome your doubts, obstacles are there to be beaten. 
N egativity is always there if you look for it so never give up and never let negativity take over. 
Chase your dreams and don't rest until you succeed. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...