If sorrow was paper, I would throw it away without a second thought.
If happiness was water, I would drink it.
If dreams were everlasting, I would live forever.
At times, life is hard but friendship keeps us pressing on.
A true emotion it is from the heart,
It's there right from the start.
Friendship is a network which doesn't require any recharge, charging, roaming, validity, and activation, just be careful not to switch off your heart because that is where friendship resides.
F avourite memories
R eal feelings
I nner secrets
E mbarassing yet enjoyable moments
D reams of the heart
S uccesses and failures
H ard times and celebrations
I nspirational talks
P layful days and serious times
True friends
A ceept you as you are
B elieve in you
C elebrate your successes
D efend you
E ncourage you
F orgive you no matter what
G ive you what you want
H ave patience( deal with you patiently)
I nspire you
J udge you
K eep your secrets
L ove you for who you are
M ake you feel better when you are down
N ever abandon you
O pen doors for you
P oint fingers at you when you are mistaken and correct you
Q uell your fears
R estore your confidence
S hare your joys and sorrows
T ell you the truth
U nderstand you best
V alue you
W ant the best for you
X pect the best from you
Y ank you back to reality when you are day dreaming sometimes😋
Z ero in on what's wrong.
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