Saturday, July 24, 2021

Never Waste Food!

 Each one of us can throw food away in a giffy but it can take months and years of hardwork to grow the food we eat so think twice before you waste food. 

When you waste food, 

think if you are really good. 

This might seem like an old advice but it is worth as precious as gold. 

Each one of us ignorantly toss food into the bin, but do devote time and think that you are commiting a huge sin. 

Millions die each day due to a lack of proper food at every hour of the day but we are lucky to have enough in our plates. 

So, don't dare to waste food, value each grain in your plate! 

Save Water, Save life!

 Water is a boon, it is life. 

Without water at all, nothing on this planet will survive. 

As Human Beings, we need water for various purposes and the Earth needs every drop of it as well. 

Don't waste even a single drop of it, we can't make a mistake. 

We must save it for everyone's sake and well- being. 

No water, no life- no blue, no green!

A drop of water is worth way more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man and woman working exteremely hard in the scorching heat.

So, kindly save water and reduce poverty to an extent.

With access to clean water, agriculture is improved, hygiene and physical health as well thereby reducing poverty. 


A Sunday Afternoon

 The mask of smile that each one of us wear this very day, 

it's not like any other day in the week. 

This is the time to have your say, because Sunday is always a weekend filled with beauty and happiness. 

Sunday is an excellent chance to start living your life to the fullest, do what you want and forget the rest! 

A Sunday well spent brings a week of content. 

Don't let this day be taken away from you, spend time, laugh until your stomach hurts and enjoy with your family and friends. 

Spend ample amount of time on loving yourself this very day. 

If your soul has no Sunday, it will be an orphan with no laughter and enjoyment which makes the week ahead distruaghted. 

Make proper use of this work free day and laugh to your heart's content! 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Self- Respect!

 No matter how hard you try, you can never force someone to love, respect you and stay in your life. 
If someone really cares and has you in their heart, even if they have thousands of reasons to leave you, they will find one reason to stay. 
And if that person wants to get rid of the thought of you, they will no matter how hard you try to make them stay. 
And even if that person stays, they will keep hurting you and not give you the love,respect and trust you deserve. 
It's our responsibility to see who's right and who's wrong for us. People who are not right always end up destroying your peace mentally. 
That's why never EVER beg for someone's presence in your life, their love, respect as well as attention. 
Never forget that you too have a heart and SELF-RESPECT AND NO- ONE IS ABOVE THAT! 


 Even if someone is very close to your heart, don't expect too much from them. 
Because when the expectations are broken, then both you and the person who broke your expectaions are completely upset, everything gets ruined from the relationship you both shared to life. 
And the fault is not theirs, it is our own fault as we started having overexpectations from the opposite person, that he/she will do what I did for them, if someone does something for you, it's okay- value it and don't take advantage of the person and their nature. If they don't, it's far better. This should be your attitude, you will continue to suffer in life if you don't imbibe this attitude. 
There is alot of peace in a life without expectations, remember this forever and stop overexpecting and overthinking destroying your inner silence and peace. 
You are just killing yourself from the inside. 
Overexpecting makes us dissappointed whereas not expecting anything in return by playing your part is peace and pure happiness. 

Exam Stress(every student can relate ;)

 Exams are like demons!
If you even try to shy away from them, they will keep torturing you. 
The best way to deal with them is to face them in the eye with a killer attitude. 
Don't let the stress kill you instead don't be afraid to fail, be afraid if you don't try. 
Never stop if you are tired, stop when you are done!
Exams are full of stress, 
which keep us in a great mess
Do not have time to waste, 
while gossiping at home with friends and family. 
Sleeping? Not at all, study!
You don't have time to waste buddy. 
Fright in the mind, books are rough now not kind. 
They are a source for tension as studies mean a lot of competition and we don't have time to waste while spending ample amount of time in play and rest. 

Kabhi Alvida na Kehna

 Leaving is always hurting in life. 
It is always painful, it is never fun when someone abruptly says goodbye. 
It always causes us to cry, a final goodbye is a tough word. 
Not many feelings are there to show but for a friend, you always smile. 
I am so glad I ever met you because ever since you have been such an inspiration and support in my life
And it is because of you, 
That I remain strong. 
I know we have to part for now but our paths may cross again. 
I know we may see each other someday. 
I just don't know where/when but we have had some fabulous times and our memories I will treasure. 
You have brought me happiness much more than I can measure and left me abruptly with all those memories.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

A tribute to the covid heroes[doctors]

 Every second of everyday,
a doctor somewhere does bring a smile, 
shares a problem,eases pain and makes a special and meaningful difference. 
Not all heroes wear capes, but all doctors are born heroes. 
They are all flag bearers of hope who never let us lose hope in life. 
When there are tears, you are a shoulder. When there is pain, you are the cure and the medicine. When there is a tradegy, you are a ray of hope and light. 
On this national doctor's day, I would love to thank you all wholeheartedly for all your dedication and hardwork. 
We respect and value all your sleepless nights.
I am grateful to each one of you as I am hearty and healthy in these challenging times. 
Happy National Doctor's Day to all the Covid heroes born to save and value life! 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...