Friday, December 29, 2023

Wagging Tail!

 The wiggle of an ear with love 
Just as you near 
Just like we (humans) respond - a tilt of the head from something you said.
Tail wagging, a sure sign you really please.
Jump up turn around happy signs without a sound.
Silent love-the way he shows it in his eyes-my god😍.
Those cute expressions of innocence,sweetness,sadness,happiness and what not-those eyes say it all!!
He is your friend, partner and defender till the very end.
He will be all yours, faithful and true once you give him your heart, he will never break it.Instead,he will fix the broken pieces.
He will give you infinite times the love.
He will never leave your side.Sometimes,spends a whole day with you, attends classes and comes back home with you-you gotta be a pet mommy at that moment.
The cutest (most adorable) part is when he finds comfort around you (snuggles you and falls asleep).
Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn't ever know we had.

It's the little things.

It's the little things that matter the most. 
The key to being happy is not to achieve great things, it is to value, respect and appreciate small gestures.
Little things build connections among us, they create memories - they are the moments we often remember most vividly. 
It could be a funny joke shared with friends, a hug from a loved one when you feel low, a beautiful sunset, the way a remembers everything about you (even the things you forgot about yourself-they know you better than you know yourself).
Everything in life is made of million little things. 
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas !

Christmas is for giving 

And showing that we care .

To your enemy , forgiveness .

To your opponent , tolerance .

To a friend , your heart . 

To a customer , service .

To all , charity ( humbleness and humanity ) 

To every child , a very good example . 

To yourself , respect . 

Wondering who taught us all these gestures , mana andari favourite - Santa !! 

Merry Christmas and a happy , joyful and best new year .. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Multi Talented Singing Diva

 You can unequivocally multitask.
You are a multi-talented musician. You sing, dance and write with immense passion. 
A voice that rises, soaring high.
Within one note, an emotion unfolds, every single emotion portrayed through just one tune, rhythm and song.
To sing is to feel, to touch(melt) hearts.
Whenever I feel low or down or stressed, I just plug in my earphones and listen to these mesmerizing voices-so smooth and soothing.
How can someone be so talented and gifted?
What a Voice!!What a Voice!!
Hard to describe...
Tell me who's not in love with that voice? Sweetest of all, I must say!!
Perfection at its best!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Adhuri Kahani !

 All the dreams are melting before our eyes.
But there is a little hope left in the heart.
The harsh truth is that love is born only once, once it's no more, it's forever gone. It's impossible to love the same person twice.
Did you love me wholeheartedly?
Did this story of ours turn out to be something you never imagined?
My dear, did it cause immense pain? - the bitter truth, the haunting past and memories. 
Our imagination of this beautiful tale of ours was far from reality.
A troubled mind, an incomplete story (Adhuri Kahani).
What could have happened to us?
We deserved a better ending darling.

Monday, December 18, 2023


She was strong , 

She was fierce , 

She wasn’t simple , a very hard soul to deal with . 

She had flaws and downfalls but that’s okay . 

When she was down , she got right back up . 

She was a tigress in her own way but one thing that described her best was that she was , is and will always be unstoppable . 

Whatever the situation maybe , she handles it with grace , confidence and simply just a smile. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Fake Friends vs True Friends

 Fake friends (FF) never ask for food whereas True friends (TF) are the reason you have no food left.
TF are the reason you eat more,they feed you when you don't feel like eating. FF leave you alone- they don't care if you had your food or not.
FF have never seen you cry. TF cry with you and finally, you end up making each other feel better and laughing your hearts out.
FF are jealous when you spend time with other friends. TF feel happy when you make new friends and open up. They are never jealous.
FF just know about you, but your TF can write a book about you.
FF make fun of your flaws whereas TF love you for your flaws and for who you are.
FF are around for a while.TF are for life.
FF say, "Love You", but they don't mean it. The "I" before "Love You" matters a lot.
TF say, "I Love You" and it's from the heart.
FF believe you when you say, "I am fine". TF know that there's a lot behind that "I am fine" and ask you to speak up.
"FF are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments and nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour. 
TF are like stars, always following your footsteps, you don't always see them, but they secretly help, take care of you and have an eye for sure."
Thankful for all the true ones in my life.Bhas itna hi kehna💕!!


 My dear true friend, 
if you told me to describe you, I would describe you in a heartbeat.
If you say you needed a friend like me, I would never say goodbye.
If you asked me how unique you are, I would say I have never seen someone so lovely and talented. 
If someone tried to put you down and make you doubt yourself, remember how worthy you are and be so stern that they don't dare to make you feel that way the next time. 
If you wondered what beauty looked like, I would tell you to look at your reflection - flawless,pretty,perfect and the very best friend I have got 💖💓.

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...