Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 Being a girl is a conflicting thought, we are blamed if we believe we are no less than a boy and we desire the same treatment.

It is a compromise. In many cases, we are expected to give up our ambitions, dreams, habits and sometimes, even our true selves but I will not give up. I will show the world what I can do with the right opportunities and a proper society to live in. 

With my chin up and my head held high, I will proudly say that I am a girl. 

And yes, behind every girl's success is "HERSELF".

Love and save the girl child!!

A world without HER doesn't exist...

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Special Lock in the Heart

 A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation, doesn't always need togetherness. 
As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part.
A friends love and support is like the tides, never ceasing, always showing.
I have always got your back, 
And you have mine.
I will help you out
To see you hurt,
To see you cry,
Makes me weep.
If your cheeks are wet,
From drops of tears,
Don't worry,
Let go of your fears.
We are in this together, as long as I am by your side, believe me, you are in the safest place.
Always stronger together, let's conquer the world.


 Amma, you are my shining star. 
Because of you, I have got this far.
You have always wanted the best for me, and I always got the best - You are one of them - A true blessing!!
You taught me to love myself, become strong, independent, confident and to laugh and play, because of you, I am the woman I am today. 
I really have no clue what I would have done without you in my life.
I wish you are my mother in every life, in my next life, after that and forever.
I have learnt from you the act of forgiveness,loving,caring,understanding,respecting everyone equally, patiently listening, and most importantly, the art of kindness and showing utmost gratitude, always lending a helping hand. 
Do you know what I love in you the most? It's the way you listen to me, to everything I share and the way you react is the cutest. Most importantly, the way you consider my close friends' as yours too and support our friendship.
Growing up I never understood what it took to be the most beautiful, hardworking, understanding, loving, caring and sweet mumma and my bestest friend. I will always love you till very end .
To all the strong mothers out there, this one is for you!!HATS OFF MUMMIES...

Saturday, November 11, 2023


 A friend is someone who has seen all our scars (worst times/phases) and our best times, but they still love us for who are and are proud of who we are becoming day by day. 
You are not best friends because you live in the same floor, same apartment, you sit together in class,work,roam together, chat or talk over the phone. 
You are best friends because when your friend smiles, a grin forces itself across your face. No matter how mad you are, when your friend cries, you instantly feel the pain. 
One of friendships best strategies is: kalisi edudamu , kalisi navvudamu , kalisi geludamu , kalisi odipodamu , edi em iyina kalisi chedamu - kalisi undamu eppatiki . 
Whatever the situation maybe, wherever life takes you, hold your best buddies' hand, look into their eyes and sail through this roller coaster ride. 

Friday, November 10, 2023


 On this auspicious festival of lights, may the glow of joy, prosperity and happiness illuminate your days in the year ahead. 

May the Diya vaporize the shadows as it burns all through the night. 

May it light your way with love and joy and make your new year bright. 

May your life be filled with all the things that your heart holds very dear. 

A special festival for me personally - one that is close to my heart. 

Happy and Safe Diwali!! 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 I am so proud of you!
I am proud of the person you are becoming.
I noticed your accomplishments and seen the things you have done. 
I have seen all the phases you passed to come back stronger. 
It's my responsibility to continue telling you the do's and don'ts. 
There will be times I will scold you and nag at you but don't take that to heart and never give up on your stride meri yaar. 
You are being so daring each and every day and becoming stronger too. 
I hope you know how amazing you are - if you don't, see through my eyes and look into my heart. 
You deserve to be happy and jovial.
You have won even before you started striving hard. 
Keep the spirit up!
I am always there to support,encourage,love and be proud of you.

Words other than "I LOVE YOU"

 Never change for anyone - saying this shows how connected you are to that person and how much you love them for who they are.
I am with you - giving someone hope that they aren't alone, you are with them no matter what is a beautiful thing in itself.
You made me smile or you made my day - this is the most heartwarming phrase that you could tell someone or hear from someone. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...