Monday, June 21, 2021


 Perfection is not achievable, but if it is chased we can catch excellence. 
It is a part and parcel of imperfection. 
Nothing in this world is absolutely perfect, neither you nor me exist without striving to be perfect. 
Looking for perfection is the only way to motivate and love yourself more. 
Consitency in every way possible is what matters not being perfect. 
It always starts with learning from mistakes and correcting them. 
Strive for progress not perfection. 
It can only be achieved through life's experiences. It is lots of little things done well and with apt logic. 

My First Love

One day I will become more mature,
I will become a young lady but I will never ever forget my first love.
The man to whom I owe my life- My dad.
One fine day, I will move out, I will be away from your watchful
eyes but no matter where I go, I will always hold you close.
You are the man who helped me fly, thought me how to tackle with
challenges and inspired me to be the person and best daughter I am
He is the man who made me learn how to be strong and deal with
situations in life.
He helped me see how beautiful this world really can be.
You weren’t and still aren’t a hero, known by the world.
But you are a hero known by your little girl.
You are my best friend as I know you will never let me down and
never EVER let me hit the ground even if I fall down. You are the
only man who will never break my heart, I am certain of that!
If I could write a story on you, it would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father who has a heart of gold.
I could write a million pages but still be unable to say how
unconditionally I love you and your sweet presence in my life.
You grabbed to my heart papa and you filled it with your
wholehearted love. The bond we both share is just unexplainable
and there is a special role you play.
Thank you so much for giving me everything I asked for and
supporting me through my thick and thin.

Math Vs. Life

 Math cannot teach us how to add LOVE or subtract HATE. But, it definitely gives each one of us a reason to hope that every problem has a solution. 
Math is everywhere. Without Math, there is nothing you can do. Everything around us is numbers. 
In life, happiness has a weird mathematics, it multiplies when you divide it and pass smiles to everybody around you. 
It also teaches us to think out of the box and to be careful with signs. 
Nature's book is written in the language of Mathematics. 
The beauty of Math is not to make simple things complicated, it in turn makes complicated things simple. 
Maths is a calculation of life. 
INCREASE your tenacity
DECREASE your enemies
DIVIDE sorrow
In life, INTEGERS are considered to be different forms of difficulties but inturn they are also the CONSTANTS for your final TARGET. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Chess and Life

 Life is just like a game of chess. To win and in order to be successful, you will have to make a move. 
Knowing which move to make comes with knowledge and insight and by learning the lessons are accumulated along the way. 
No-one has ever won this game by only taking forward moves. Sometimes you must move backwards to take better steps forward and that's life!
Move and think in silence until its time to say CHECKMATE!!
The most important thing in life is to believe in yourself regardless of what everyone else says- This is what chess has clearly taught me to do so. 
Think like the queen. She is never afraid to fail. 
Failure is another stepping stone to success and greatness. 
Chess is not always about defeating the opponent and winning, its simply about learning and making yourself better day by day and so is life. 

Male Bestie

 "So,do you like him?"
"...yes,more than my ego."
"You trust him?"
"...more than I assume"
"You respect him?"
"...more than my boundaries."
"You care for him?"
"...more than my pride"
"So,is he your boyfriend?"
"...Nope, my bestfriend"
People who think girls and guys cannot be friends, they may not have experienced a friendship like ours!
Dear bestie, I do not care when you disturb me, no matter what time it is but I get disturbed when you don't disturb me. 
He has always been there when I cried, I got heartbroken,I smiled, when things have been rough and when I was mad. 
He has always been my shadow. There is no light and happiness in my life without his sweet presence and friendship. 
We fought, cried,laughed and did everything possible together. 
Main kho gaya hoon aur main khud nahin hoon uske bina main pooree tarah se se kho gaya hoon. 
Hamane ek doosare se kaee dinon tak baat nahin kee lekin hamaree dostee aur bandhan kabhee nahin badale. 
He will be my yaar,comrade and partner in crime today, always and forever!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

My Everything Friend

 You boost my happiness when I am feeling glad, you help to heal my injured heart whenever I am sad. 
You are such a pleasure in my life, I hope that you can fathom how meaningful and important your friendship is to me. 
You are a total joy to me and you bring in light when there is darkness in my life. 
People complained that you have changed and grown up, I smiled and said, live according to the people and deep down only I know your childish tantrums. 
Distance does not matter, it is the close proximity of the heart, friendship is with some very rare people like you,otherwise you get to meet someone everyday. 
Les amis montrent leur amour dans les moments difficiles, pas le bonheur(Friends show their love in times of troubles, not in happiness). 
Friends are born, not made!!
There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than loyal and true friendship!

Dangers of being too kind

 Sometimes being too kind is dangerous... you must show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt. 
Sometimes,being too nice gets you used and at the same time, being too mean pushes people away. You should be humble but at times put your feet down.
Being too soft-hearted may not gain you enemies, but it will surely gain you abusers and users. DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN, learn to say NO and turn away when you must. 
The most kind hearted people are the ones who get hurt the most and they are the ones who felt the most pain. 

Appreciation- the key to a happy life!

 Being told you are appreciated is one of the most uplifting things you can hear. 
Appreciation can either make a person's day or change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that matters. 
Feeling appreciative in life can actually attract more of the things you value in life. 
Appreciate each day,person and moment in life, life will be a miracle and as smooth as possible if appreciation is a part and parcel of life. 
Learn to appreciate all that you have today. Your family,friends,health,life,love and the journey still ahead of you. 
With appreciation, comes happiness. 
Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life happy in so many miraculous ways. 
I also forget to tell them how much I really appreciate them for being an important part of my life. So, TQSM all of you, just for being there for me when I needed you all the most!
Saying thank you and being grateful is more than good manners, it's just making another person's day and making yourself happy. 
Appreciate single aspect in life and aim high to reach the sky, if not the sky, atleast the stars!

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...