Monday, June 21, 2021


 Perfection is not achievable, but if it is chased we can catch excellence. 
It is a part and parcel of imperfection. 
Nothing in this world is absolutely perfect, neither you nor me exist without striving to be perfect. 
Looking for perfection is the only way to motivate and love yourself more. 
Consitency in every way possible is what matters not being perfect. 
It always starts with learning from mistakes and correcting them. 
Strive for progress not perfection. 
It can only be achieved through life's experiences. It is lots of little things done well and with apt logic. 


  1. Perfection means doing the job with heart and soul. No matter what the result is. You have perfectly communicated this in this short blog. 👍

  2. Nice reference of imperfection as 'parcel'.


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