Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Christmas time is not just about presents, food, it's about family time. 
It is such an outstanding time, a time for wishing, a time for surprises, a time for smiles and it is mainly a time for telling you how much you are loved. 
There's so much more to Christmas than just cheer and candle- light;
It's the spirit of sweet friendship that lights up all the years ahead;
It is kindness and thoughtfulness!
Let everyday be Christmas, 
It's not just for a day, it's forever for sharing, giving and loving. 
The good you do for others is the good you do for yourself. 
Christmas is more than just a day in December, 
it's all those things that we would love to remember, it's the magic and love that we will remember and treasure in our hearts forever!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A brother's love

When the time comes, he will stand up for you and come to your rescue no matter where he is. 
This is exactly what I learnt about the beautiful bond that we share brotherhood. 
The best part of a brother is he knows you in and out, he knows your tantrums,but he still cares for you and loves you for who you are, he always judges you and makes fun of you but never let's others judge you!!
He always smiled and was happy for all my successes more than I myself was. 
A brother from another mother is hard to find, he has been both naughty and kind,came to my rescue every second and protected me from evil eyes. 
Life has been a cake walk with your company,I feel no stress and I know that I always have a shoulder to cry uopn and a hand to wipe my tears. 
Thank you ever so much for always supporting and guiding me. 
Brother and sister,together as friends, ready to face anything and everthing that life sends๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’“!!

Dream big,do right!!


There is no chance for failure or going the wrong way to rule our life if we dream big and if our determination to succeed is strong enough.

If you always try to do your best and dream big, you will go in the right path I assure and you never have to cry for the rest of your life.

There is a fighter in each one of us and no-one is less than the other!! The only key to success and to go in the right path is to believe in yourself and to perform way better than you can.

Every person is unique in their own way and have their own dreams, but in the same way, each one of us are capable of doing miracles and winning a million hearts.

I can’t achieve my goal or my dream is the worst phrase heard or spoken, it does more harm then good and leads you to go in the wrong direction.

Always remember that no dream is small, each one of us are born with hidden talents and miracles!!

The main difference between the impossible and possible lies in a person’s determination to do it and achieve it no matter how many rocks they must pass in order to reach the final destination in the right path.

No dream is hard to achieve or nothing in this world is impossible, in the word impossible itself lies the word possible and in your heart lies the positivity and the determination to achieve your dream.

To dream big and to go in the right path maybe a difficult task but, if you want to do it no matter what and have faith in what you are made of and capable of, nobody can ever stop you from reaching your final destination. There may be a trillion rocks to cross and you may feel that you will not be able to achieve what you wanted to in the beginning but after a few attempts, you are confident enough that you will reach the end. You may fall, you may hurt yourself, but later, you will be stronger than ever and you will rise and shine.

Every one of us have the competence to explore and expand our own horizon and we should never let it astray.  As a teenager, I dream big everyday and would want to think out of the box, the only thing I would love to do at the moment is to go on the right path and make everyone who have high hopes on me proud of me and not let my dream and talent astray!!

It is just astonishing if you do and achieve what you have dreamt of in the right path,

As the happiness of success and the achievement of your dream stays with you forever and the key to unlock your heart and make it swing lies with you till eternity!!

It is time for each one of us to think out of the box, unlock our potentials and show the world what we are capable of. Dreaming big and going on the wrong path is acceptable as you have a chance to learn and grow once again, but going the right way is always going the best way to unlock the doors of success.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

My sister, my first friend

 A sister is someone who loves you wholeheartedly from the heart. No matter how much we argue, we can never be drawn apart. 
She was my first friend and it is a special relationship that we enjoy,she is the only person who always makes me smile even if I don't want to.  
The relationship of two sisters is probably the most competitive relationship in the entire family but once the sisters grow up to be adults or teenagers, it becomes the most powerful relationship. 
Words and emotions are just not enough to describe you my sister and our bond. The only thing I want to let you know is that you mean the worl to me.  
The things you have done to help me, all the times that you were there, help me understand how much you really care. 
 Dear sister,always remember that you are worthy,beautiful,unique,important,special and most importantly,irreplacable. 
Having a sister is like having a best friend who you cannot get rid of at all. No matter how mad you are, how crazy you are, how mean you are or how happy you are, you know that she will always be there. 
Thank you so much for being the most annoying as well as the most caring person always. The most beautiful and lively person I met after my mother is you dear sister๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜Š.  

The strength of a woman- A man


Men definitely do play a vital role in making our lives beautiful. They are the people who stand by the side and observe all our actions keenly just to correct us and protect us from any dangers. Even in the family, fathers tend to establish challenge, risk and initiative which makes their child or children very independent and risk- taking. The male contribution is a plus to the relationships and also is helpful in resolving issues.

Men are different from women and they need to be. Those differences need to be valued, not just ironed out of existence. It is our responsibility to value those strengths and support them the male way. It is high time to recognize and honour the contributions and sacrifices that a man makes for his family and the society. No man to understand a woman or anybody for that matter, no safety and protection for a woman.

In a family, a man is the bread winner of the household however, a man’s key role is to take care of and safeguard the family. The main responsibilities of a man that need to be respected are:

ร˜ A provider: It is believed that men need to be great providers to aid the family financially and to reduce the burden on his wife if she’s working or a housewife. Also, to suffice for the everyday expenses and his children’s well-being.

ร˜  A protector: He helps, protects and aids his wife, daughter, mother, etc. For example, if his mother is unwell, he takes the responsibility of staying with her every second and the responsibility of giving her all the required medicines and aiding her to do her daily chores.

ร˜ A leader and a person who inspires a million others to be leaders and risk- bearers.

ร˜ A teacher: He gives good examples and encourages his children to become better and better each day. He also imbibes values in them and helps them in studies and in all the ways possible.

The man of the house will share in the daily chores and the upkeep of the house. The role of a father is simple yet beautiful in every child’s life: They are the pillars of a child’s emotional well-being. They also provide a sense of security. An involved father also promotes immense inner strength and growth.

 “There is a soldier in every man”. A woman will never forget a man who encouraged her financially, and stood by her side in tough times. It is not just the soldiers who have character and courage integrity. There are innumerable heroes among us who are not recognized but are very famous and knowledgeable and it is just a matter of supporting and encouraging them just the way they do every second.

For me, my soldier is definitely my father. He taught me everything, he also gave me enough space and encouragement to pursue my dreams. Infact, to be honest, he was the one who played a huge role in my mother’s success in everyway possible. No words to describe the role he played in my success, without him, firstly, my life would have been incomplete and secondly, I wouldn’t be the person I am today and I wouldn’t have the recognition I have right now in my life!! Forget batman or any other cartoon character for that matter, when I really think about what I want to be when I grow up, I want to grow up to be like my dad- awesome in every way possible, ready to lend a helping hand and a shoulder to cry upon anytime and anywhere and just like him, I want to be able to manage a million tasks at a time- MY FATHER, MY SUPERHERO๐Ÿ’™!!

We are born alone; we live alone and we die alone. The only thing that creates an illusion that we are not alone is the love and friendship a man   shows in life. Coming to friendship, when a man becomes a friend, he can be the most annoying as well as the most caring person in one’s life. A male friend shows affection and care just like a father does.


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...