Tuesday, April 16, 2024


What does having a tender heart mean? 
It’s a superpower having a tender heart in this tough world.
It's one of the strongest and bravest heart which can fight any battle and face any obstacle. 
The little things truly touch my heart too much, 
Though I act like I don’t care, I will forever remember all those sweet gestures. 
My heart is tender, in its depth and core. 
A tender heart is a heart that cares. 
It gives love everyone can share. 
It’s always there to raise one’s spirit and make them feel better when they are low. 
If you meet a person with a tender heart, please do understand it and nurture it with utmost love so it can care and be yours forever. 
Finding a heart so tender and sweet in today's world is truly rare, if you found one, treasure it!!


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...