Thursday, February 15, 2024

1st Year Diaries

 This was supposed to be a poem, but all my thoughts put together made it more of an interesting, sweet and engaging essay. 
Gifts are indeed, the college days-The Golden Times! 
College is a unique experience for every person. But no matter how harsh our days were at college; we all agree on one thing: it gave us the best set of friends we could ever ask for. 
Among all the faces you meet, though it may take time, you will for sure find the real ones-those who have seen you at your best and worst and chose to love you anyway.
Here are a few things I really am thankful to all of you for: 
Thank you for truly accepting me (100 percent) for who I am and loving and caring for me in all my phases (be it moody,low,happy,sassy or weird), for being there always and whenever I needed a hug, for supporting me in everything I do. 
If you don't agree with me, you are quick to point out. 
When I don't like somebody, you don't like them too. 
If somebody pisses me off,they piss you off too. 
The beauty of friendship,hai na?? 
Honestly, our matching outfits were and will always remain love ❤.  
Life is so much more fun when we don't worry about what people think and can just let loose and have a good time. 
I wouldn't be able to do that without you for sure, for making me break out of my comfort zone and making me take advantage of every opportunity wisely. 
You are honest,unfiltered,and pure with your words. 
Thanks yaar for all the encouragement and pieces of advice on a bad day, for always being a screenshot message away to help me come up with a response to a text. 
You are outgoing and talkative, yet such a good listener. 
Nothing about the future is certain, we are young, learning and growing still. But nothing can change the fact that I have found a support system that will help me in every step of the way through this adult life. 
You make college life 100 times better. 
You make this place feel even more like home. 
An end to our first year diaries together. 
Every day, minute and moment etched in the heart forever. 
So, to my college friends, if you are reading this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and cheers to the next 3 years together. I love you all! 


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...