Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Silent Advice

 I may never be able to understand everything you are going through , 
But if you need some to talk to , I promise I will always be there . 
I may not be able to take your sorrow away , 
But I can very well make your day brighter . 
If you ever feel left out , just give me a call . 
Sometimes , just being there is what matters . Not to fix anything or to do anything in particular , but just to let us feel we are cared and supported . 
People always don't need advice . All they really need is a hand to hold , an ear to listen and a heart to understand them . 
" Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud " . 

Gifted Treasures

 I honestly , very truly appreciate kindness as a gesture . 
I appreciate people checking up on me . 
I admire a quick a message . 
I respect people who ask if I am okay . 
I treasure every single person in my life who put their best efforts to brighten my days . It's just these little things that matter the most and make me happy . 
Not everyone has the privilege of getting gifts as well as receiving them . 
The power of people taking value to a gift is a true asset than people who accept and forget . 
We are not only talking about gifts , but also the little things and how to value and admire them .  
Always enjoy the smallest things in life for one day , you may look back and realize they were the big ones . 
Whenever someone does something for you - express ! Do not shy away from speaking your heart out , thank them and make them feel grateful . 
Small things could be just as simple as appreciating a person who picks up your pen or embracing a day with a perfect weather . 
These little things can brighten a frown into a smile and make someone's day worth . 
Even if a person seems fine from the exterior , no one knows and understands what happens inside . So , take time , listen , understand and lend a hand without any kind of judgement .The sole purpose of life revloves around kindness . 
Nothing is more astounding than someone who values your presence , admires you for who you are and confronts you when you are troubled . 
A real friend loves you no matter what and is simply happy for having you in their life . 
To conclude , 
I would like to say that such souls are rare , keep them close ! 
They make you feel grateful for what you always do . 
The world seems very colorful with such people around . 
Stay positive and keep the smiles on all day long . 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Depth of Friendship

 Wanna know the value and depth of friendship ? Here you go , read out loud ! 
A friend is someone who listens to you without judgement - right or wrong , good or bad . 
When you share it with a friend , decisions are easier to make and problems seem less serious . 
Through close friendship , the fine art of giving is learnt . 
You will remain my best friend forever , 
we acted like cake and ice cream , so thick and so thin . 
To add essence and make this poem more interesting . Here are the ABC's of friendship : 
A lways be honest 
B e there and support them when they need you 
C heer them on 
D on't let them down ever and Don't ever look for their faults 
E very chance you get , have a long , deep conversation - speak your hearts out . 
F orgive them 
G et together often 
H ave faith in them 
I nclude them 
J ust listen ( pay attention ) 
K now their dreams 
L ove them unconditionally 
M ake them feel special that they are understood and valued more than they think. 
N ever forget them 
O ffer to help ( always lend a helping hand ) 
P raise them honestly and make a life long promise that no matter what , you will be there . 
Q uietly disagree 
R escue them often from toxic people because definitely you don't wanna see them suffer. 
S ay you are sorry when you are mistaken and ask them what you can do to make it right to clear the air and make the atmosphere and sitaution lighter. 
T alk frequently ( share your laughters happy moments and sorrows to make decision making easier and to resolve the issue as soon as possible ).
U se good judgement 
V ote for them ( be on their side when needed ) . 
W ish them good luck in all their future endeavours and whenever needed . 
X - ray yourself first 
Y our words and advices count and matter 
Z ip your mouth when necessary ( understand and give them space when necessary - don't pester them ) . 
To all my dear friends , this is what I am there for people , you have my back forever . Once a buddy , forever a buddy ! You can trust me with this ( bas barosa kar mujh pe meri yaar ) ! 

Never Depend on Anyone

 If there's something you want , make it happen ! 
When you depend on someone to do it for you , the only result
would be dissappointment because whatever you expected is very far from reality . 
A better person you will be when you are independent and free . 
Remember that you are your best guide and teacher . 
Never ever make the grave mistake of putting the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket . 
Make your own self your best friend . Never let anyone break you. 
Keep good relationships with others but only depend on yourself.  
"YOU" are first (over everybody else).
Never search for your happiness in others ; it will only make you feel alone and left out instead search for it in yourself , you will feel happy even when everyone else chooses to leave . 
Learn to carry yourself on your own back ( all the weight ) . People will drop you quicker than they picked you up . 

Monday, May 1, 2023

A Day Well Spent

 For me , a day well spent is a day that touches my heart,makes me genuinely happy,the one which is spent by doing what I love.
A day that knew my  best side and brings out the best version of me. 
Days spent with your dear ones and friends always turn out to be the most wonderful days.
Did you know the fact that a day well spent brings peaceful and happy sleep. 
The heart smiles and dances with joy. 
A Sunday well spent brings a week of content. 
I cherish recalling every best day of mine. 
I danced like a bird for the past 4 days for they were all wonderful days. 
Everything around you seems happy,your surroundings look bright,your eyes and face glow with joy and happiness. 
When you are happy and are having a good day , just live the moment and forget about everything else.
"Today the sky had a different color..And so did my day.It was a well spent day!"
"A day well spent with a friend is worth a lifetime. The memories made are truly unforgettable."
What gives me peace?A day well spent making myself happy and bringing happiness to everyone around. If I am happy, I can make the world happy. 
“If you planted hope today in a heart that felt alone, if you caused a laugh that chased some tears away, if someone’s burden was made lighter because of your kindness, then your day was well spent.”
This is a special appreciation post to myself for keeping me happy,to all my loved ones and sweethearts(friends) for making my days brighter and amazing. Thank You So Much! 
You deserve the best! 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...