Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Depth of Friendship

 Wanna know the value and depth of friendship ? Here you go , read out loud ! 
A friend is someone who listens to you without judgement - right or wrong , good or bad . 
When you share it with a friend , decisions are easier to make and problems seem less serious . 
Through close friendship , the fine art of giving is learnt . 
You will remain my best friend forever , 
we acted like cake and ice cream , so thick and so thin . 
To add essence and make this poem more interesting . Here are the ABC's of friendship : 
A lways be honest 
B e there and support them when they need you 
C heer them on 
D on't let them down ever and Don't ever look for their faults 
E very chance you get , have a long , deep conversation - speak your hearts out . 
F orgive them 
G et together often 
H ave faith in them 
I nclude them 
J ust listen ( pay attention ) 
K now their dreams 
L ove them unconditionally 
M ake them feel special that they are understood and valued more than they think. 
N ever forget them 
O ffer to help ( always lend a helping hand ) 
P raise them honestly and make a life long promise that no matter what , you will be there . 
Q uietly disagree 
R escue them often from toxic people because definitely you don't wanna see them suffer. 
S ay you are sorry when you are mistaken and ask them what you can do to make it right to clear the air and make the atmosphere and sitaution lighter. 
T alk frequently ( share your laughters happy moments and sorrows to make decision making easier and to resolve the issue as soon as possible ).
U se good judgement 
V ote for them ( be on their side when needed ) . 
W ish them good luck in all their future endeavours and whenever needed . 
X - ray yourself first 
Y our words and advices count and matter 
Z ip your mouth when necessary ( understand and give them space when necessary - don't pester them ) . 
To all my dear friends , this is what I am there for people , you have my back forever . Once a buddy , forever a buddy ! You can trust me with this ( bas barosa kar mujh pe meri yaar ) ! 


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...