Thursday, October 20, 2022


 Smiling is an art
that fills every heart. 
It is a rain 
that heals pain. 
It's from the heart
that's a lovely thought. 
Remember to smile once in a while for life is too short. 
You look the prettiest when you carry a smile on your face. 
A smile is a funny thing, it wrinkles your face up. 
It is contagious, you smile at one, they smile back at you and it makes their day. 
Nobody remembers you for anything else but try smiling at somebody today and making their day, they will remember you for that one smile you gave them. 
A smile holds many secrets, reflects a beautiful heart, a pure soul and inner peace. 
It's a curve that's more attractive than all the other curves.  
Keep smiling come what may. 
Smile while reading this post of mine, smile while working, smile until your jaw hurts, your tummy hurts and until someone says stop laughing, it's enough for today and smile until you have happy tears. 
Do you know how happy tears look like? I would only conclude by saying, they look beautiful on you, nothing more, nothing less. 
So, here's your sweet reminder to smile heartfully today. 


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...