Monday, September 26, 2022


 Memories are funny things. 
You hear your favorite song or favorite singer sing, that voice is stored, recognizable forever. 
You visit towns, you enjoy the scenery and sights, you feel the heat, see the light, and that becomes a picture saved of a snapshot of a happy day.
The voice of your loved ones will stay inside your clever mind for you to recall anytime. 
 Though they are funny and haunting things sometimes, 
Ever wondered if they will last forever?? 
They are destined to fade, but your most important ones tend to last for a lifetime. 
Life happens in a flash with many ups and downs. 
Friends stick,leave or change leaving you with funny, bittersweet memories to think about. 
Memories truly are amusing things since they are unforgettable and unerasable, since they are etched in the heart and rewind every now and then in the mind. 
Memories play a very confusing role, they make us laugh when we remember the times we cried but make us cry when we remember the times we laughed!
Memories are always invisible to eyes but can be felt with the heart.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Heart vs Mind

 The difference between your mind and your heart is that your mind tells you what is smart and right whereas your heart tells you what you are going to do anyway. 
In a battle between your mind and heart, always listen to your mind since the heart makes you live in a dream world which eventually gets you hurt in life whereas the mind introduces you to the real world which makes you practical as time passes by. 
One of the most difficult battles in life is the conflict between the mind and heart. 
The mind knows the truth but the heart refuses to accept it. 
There will always be a battle between the things you know and the ones you feel, between what you want and what you need, between who you are and who you want to be. For a few, this is an endless battle. 
FOLLOW your heart but also remember to USE your mind. 
It's not just a battle between the two(the mind and the heart). 
The master(YOU) is behind to synchronize the two with all your strength, might, boldness, bravery, a positive mindset and attitude- the most important of all. 

Mon Enfance

 My mother tells me about it, 
And I remember a bit. 
The time when I was too innocent, 
The time which was excellent. 
I used to play with my toys and enjoy, that's all I knew, 
And my life was filled with happiness and joy. 
If you carry your childhood with you, you will never get old. 
Sometimes, I wish I had a time machine to go back to my childhood days and capture all the memories. I want to go back not for the memories but to live all the moments for the second time. 
I miss those childhood days, where we were happy uncondiotionally, without even knowing the value of happiness. 
No exam stress, 
No homeworks, 
No school, 
No waking up early, 
No thoughts, 
No overthinking, 
No worries, 
We only did what made us happy and those were the days we laughed and smiled without wondering about what other people would think, and without any inhibitions. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Mother and Daughter

It's a special bond that spans  the years. 
Through laughter, worries,tears and smiles. 
A sense of trust that can't be broken, a depth of love sometimes unspoken. 
A life long friendship built on sharing, caring, hugs, kisses, teachings, lessons on different topics and how to be safe. 
Noone can ever match the role of a mother. 
Mother and daughter their hearts as one- a link that can never be undone. 
Love You Amma. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

A Poet's Words

 A poet's words can pierce your soul and can bring a smile or a tear. 
They can offer comfort,cheer and hope. 
A poet's words have the ability to do wonders. They can draw friends near when they are far apart. 
They can teach the world to love, give and care. 
"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. "(By Robert Frost).
A poet is before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with the language. 
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions and feelings recollected in silence and tranquility when the mind is calm. 
Real life experiences are the key to poetry and the thoughts, words of poets. 
All of us have creativity hidden inside us in someway or the other, all that matters is how we use that creativity. A poet uses his/her creativity by playing with words and painting their own lives' canvas with the power of their words. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...