Monday, September 26, 2022


 Memories are funny things. 
You hear your favorite song or favorite singer sing, that voice is stored, recognizable forever. 
You visit towns, you enjoy the scenery and sights, you feel the heat, see the light, and that becomes a picture saved of a snapshot of a happy day.
The voice of your loved ones will stay inside your clever mind for you to recall anytime. 
 Though they are funny and haunting things sometimes, 
Ever wondered if they will last forever?? 
They are destined to fade, but your most important ones tend to last for a lifetime. 
Life happens in a flash with many ups and downs. 
Friends stick,leave or change leaving you with funny, bittersweet memories to think about. 
Memories truly are amusing things since they are unforgettable and unerasable, since they are etched in the heart and rewind every now and then in the mind. 
Memories play a very confusing role, they make us laugh when we remember the times we cried but make us cry when we remember the times we laughed!
Memories are always invisible to eyes but can be felt with the heart.


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...