Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Happy Republic Day

 This poem is dedicated to all the soldiers in the Indian Army who gave their lives up for the motherland and sacrificed everything and anything for us- the citizens and for the motherland's welfare and made India an independent one. 
On this republic day, here's a heart touching poem by a soldier. 
If I die in a war zone, box me up and send me home. 
Put all my medals on my chest and tell my mother I did my best and I did everything I could do for the nation, to make her proud and as her dear son. 
Tell my dad not to bow, he won't get any tension from me now. 
Tell my brother to study perfectly, key of my bike will be his permanently. 
Tell my sister not to cry and be upset, her brother will take a long sleep after sunset. 
Most importantly, tell my nation not to cry and fall apart, because I am a soldier born to die. 
Ours is a land of sages, knowm for ages for all our soldier's bravery. 
None can compete with it, and none can beat it;s culture and heritage. 
All live in unison in this nation.
United we stand, divided we fall. 
With rivers, fountains, it's a land of high mountains. 
It's forests filled with greenery are pretty and they are the source of prosperity.
As the torch bearers of tomorrow, let us all work hard for it's safety and let us all be on guard forever. 
Let's make a difference and be proud to be an INDIAN!
Jai Hind
Jai Bharat
Happy Republic Day to one and all. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022


 2020 and 2021 - The best, most memorable years of my life in everyway and aspect possible. 
We met in the beginning of the year and became close in a very short span of time. 
None of us ever realized we were making memories, we just knew and thought that we were having fun. 
Beautiful memories are like old friends. They may not always be on our minds but forever in our hearts. 
Time just flew, our paths changed but our bond remained and still remains ever strong. 
Countless memories, limitless laughter, endless talks and jokes and sweet sounding curses. 
The inside jokes that we all had weren't jokes anymore, they became stories among ourselves. 
An year well spent with the best new year celebrations, with various occasions celebrated in the best way possible, with songs(singing of songs), with family as well as friends. 
There were days they made us laugh even after we finished crying- that was the most beautiful thing ever. 
Sometimes, these memories make us laugh and sometimes, they make us cry our hearts out but either ways, they hold a very special place in each one of our hearts. 
Times on our terrace- THE MOST UNFORGETTABLE EVER!


Not Every Year is the Same

 Every year is not the same. 
Life is like trekking. Sometimes, you will need the support of a stick and sometimes, you don't even get the stick. 
Always be thankful for today and never take the people you love for granted because we never know what each day, month or year has to throw at us and there are chances that in one moment, your entire life and year could change. 
So, learn to appreciate every small, minute detail in life. 
You may not be the same individual you were an year ago, month ago or even a week ago- you are always growing and experiences help you learn better, they don't stop. That's what is life. 
So, never expect every year to be the same, keep setting high standards for yourself and keep challenging yourself to be better, if not, the best each passing year. 
Become a better version of yourself every year and don't rest until all your dreams and aspirations are fulfilled. 
Each day is a new chapter like a plain drawing canvas which is empty, begin to paint your day on the canvas and plan your day even before painting it so that it turns out to be beautiful.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Care and love

A wise physician once said that "the best medicine for a human is LOVE and CARE." 
Someone asked "what if it doesn't work?"
And he replied with a smile:"increase the dose. "
Caring is a gift no one can buy. It's made up of love that roots in each one of our hearts and creates memories not just for a while but for a lifetime... 
A caring heart, 
A smile, A wink, A wave! 
A moment that makes you stop and think. 
A loving, caring heart, determination, courage, trust, faith, belief and a solid soul create the wings with which we can fly. 
When you are listening to somebody completely, attentively, then you are not only listening to their words but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not just a part of it. 
Life has taught me that caring, love and respect are to be shared as only through sharing, friendships are born. 
One person caring about another represents one of life's greatest values. 
People who care for one another enjoy helping and doing things for each other. 
Relationships are delicate and need to be looked after with utmost care and love. 
Be it with you friends, family or love. 
Life is nothing without love and care. 
Love everyone but never expect the same from others since its a feeling not a dealing.
If  friends are flowers, 
I would neither pluck nor pick you, 
I would let you grow in the garden and cultivate, water you each and everyday with love and care, so I can keep you as a friend  and hold you in my heart dearly forever. 
Our heart is like a tree. 
Give it love and it will grow. 
But if you abandon it, it will start to crumble and die. 
Sometimes, it's not the strength but gentleness that cracks the hardest shells in life. 
So, keep loving and caring about yourself, keep YOU first before anyone else, don't let your heart crumble and die at any cost. 
At the same time, love others and care for them for a better tomorrow and to form a beautiful community. 

IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma)

Fun to hear the name, 
Proud to be a part of the game and race. 
This period of two years was full of commitment and making new friends with different insights and perspectives. 
As a person, you have grown in many creative ways, full of enthusiastic and curious days. 
You will be a risk taker even when bursting with fear as your deadlines are approaching and you still have a lot to work on. 
In every step and way possible, you will develop independence by being cooperative each and everyday at the same time. 
You will become a totally different and confident soul practicing self control and tolerance. 
Through CAS, especially Service, you will show empathy to those who become unwound. 
Education is not only absorbing knowledge without ever questioning it. 
The knowledge that we have should be useful for the society, our friends, family, etc, it shouldn't be self centered. 
Think out of the box even if you are not sure of being right. 
Personally for me, IB has been taking the road less traveled. 
It trains us to be the leaders of tomorrow, it motivates and teaches responsibility. 
It instills passion for learning, a desire to do good and the wisdom to make sensitive decisions. 
Perseverance and hard work are the main keys and gateways to success. 
Teachers are as sweet, supportive and experienced as they can be. 
And the road to the gateway of our knowledge- our school and IB- our next home is never long. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

To All My Friends...

 Small Little Words, 

Sweet Sugary Souvenirs. 

An acquintance is always small. 

In this friendship, time is always insufficient. 

There would be thousands of stories amongst us but yet another new story keeps adding up. 

Friendship isn't something that could be learnt like a song or a dance, 

If you ask me personally as to what it is, I would say it's a lesson no book can teach us. 

It is something that doesn't come to us when we wish for it and it doesn't leave you when you wanna let go of it. 

If you ask me who a friend is, I would say he/she is a wealth that can't be inherited or more like a precious treasure. 

They dedicate their life for you by sharing affection,care and helping you in everyway possible. 

Driving away all the loneliness in you. 

One can't appreciate their life if they are unable to remember the small little things they did with their friends. 

Friendship is a sweet memory imprinted in our hearts. 

Even a smile has no value without tears and it is our friends who make us smile even when we have tears in our eyes. 

They consider your struggles as theirs and live your dreams entrusting your success to yourself. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...