Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Happy Republic Day

 This poem is dedicated to all the soldiers in the Indian Army who gave their lives up for the motherland and sacrificed everything and anything for us- the citizens and for the motherland's welfare and made India an independent one. 
On this republic day, here's a heart touching poem by a soldier. 
If I die in a war zone, box me up and send me home. 
Put all my medals on my chest and tell my mother I did my best and I did everything I could do for the nation, to make her proud and as her dear son. 
Tell my dad not to bow, he won't get any tension from me now. 
Tell my brother to study perfectly, key of my bike will be his permanently. 
Tell my sister not to cry and be upset, her brother will take a long sleep after sunset. 
Most importantly, tell my nation not to cry and fall apart, because I am a soldier born to die. 
Ours is a land of sages, knowm for ages for all our soldier's bravery. 
None can compete with it, and none can beat it;s culture and heritage. 
All live in unison in this nation.
United we stand, divided we fall. 
With rivers, fountains, it's a land of high mountains. 
It's forests filled with greenery are pretty and they are the source of prosperity.
As the torch bearers of tomorrow, let us all work hard for it's safety and let us all be on guard forever. 
Let's make a difference and be proud to be an INDIAN!
Jai Hind
Jai Bharat
Happy Republic Day to one and all. 


  1. Mera Bharat mahan
    Happy Republic day
    Jai Hind

  2. Thank You Aunty, wish you the same. Jai Hind!

  3. Happy Republic Day , words are not enough to praise our soldier's and freedom fighter's sacrifices to the country , Jai hind


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