Friday, August 27, 2021


 Easy is to get a place in someone's address book, 
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart. 
Easy is to judge others mistakes, 
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes. 
Easy is to talk without thinking, 
Difficult is to refrain the tongue and take your words back. 
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us, 
Difficult is to heal the wound and fix broken pieces of the heart. 
Easy is to forgive others, 
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness. 
Easy is to set rules, 
Difficult is to follow them. 
Easy is to dream every night, 
Difficult is to fight and chase for a dream. 
Easy is to show victory, 
Difficult is to accept defeat with dignity. 
Easy is to admire a full moon, 
Difficult is to see the other side. 
Easy is to stumble with a stone, 
Difficult is to get up. 
Easy is to enjoy life everyday, 
Difficult is to give its real value. 
Easy is to promise something to someone, 
Difficult is to fulfill that promise/ keep that promise. 
Easy is to say we love, 
Difficult is to show it every single day. 
Easy is to criticize others, 
Difficult is to accept criticism and improve oneself. 
Easy is to laugh with hidden pain, 
Diificult is to show others how it feels and to cry out. 
Easy is to ignore, 
Difficult is to get ignored and avoided. 
Easy is to love yourself, 
Difficult is to be loved. 
Easy is to live, 
Difficult is to enjoy and treasure every moment. 
Easy is to blame, 
Difficult is to take a blame. 
Easy is to fight, 
Difficult is to bear the consequences of the fight. 
Easy is to cry your heart out, 
Difficult is to keep smiling whatever the situation maybe. 
Easy is to get scared, 
Difficult is to be determined and take a step further no matter what consequences you will face in your path and journey ahead. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

A Sister is Forever

 A sister is a sister forever, a bond that never diminishes. 
A friend who is kind and caring, a sibling God gifted me with for sharing everything and anything without any fear or hesitation. 
Few ties are profound and deep. And with so much affection abound. 
Though some thoughts are expressed rarely, love endures and survives every test. 
She is someone who is always there for you when you need her.
She listens, values and supports you no matter what. 
As growth you ponder, 
your feelings grow fonder. 
And life tells you one truth that a sister is a large part of you and she is your other half. 
Happy Raksha Bandhan to all my sisters, I can't thank you all enough for making me and helping me be the person I am today. 

Happy Raksha Bandhan

 "Brothers are like the streetlights along the road, they don't make distance any shorter but they indeed light up the path ahead and make the walk of life worthwhile." 
I will forever cherish the beautiful memeories of our childhood, the games and tantrums we played, the holidays we went to as you are my sweetest, most supportive and immensely caring brother. 
Rakhi is the thread that binds 2 souls in a bond of joy till eternity. 
And today I remember with joy, the special tie we share and wishing you happiness and good luck forever. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 It is like a new dress, it makes you feel completely marvelous. 
It is the mark of female identity and the final touch of her beauty. 
No elegance is possible without perfume. It is unseen, unforgettable and an ultimate accessory. 
No perfume= Incomplete dressing! 
They make silence talk!
A perfume is a story in odour and at times, a poetry of memory. 
My scent is my secret of success. 
The fragnance of flowers spreads only in the direction of wind but the goodness of a person spreads in all the directions. 
Smell is a word, perfume is literature! 
A perfume is the reflector of the heart. 
A fragnance is like a signature, so that even after a woman leaves a room, it is evident and everyone knows that she has been there. 
The freshness of a smile and the beautiful intoxicating smell of perfume often define the personality of a woman. 
Her dress was like her canvas, Her perfume was the ink in which she wrote her story. When she rose, the sun rose with her. When she walked, her scent inspired the flowers. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

I Really Miss Those School Days

 I really miss those days, when our classmates were like a family. 

We had no worries for our future. 

And happiness was the only feeling that we used to chase. 

Two pairs of shoes, two pairs of uniform, the school bag was heavy but there was no stress. 

Waking up was hard, the morning alarms= torture, 

Dressing up was pain. 

Late to assembly, eyes searching for the gang, smiles meant hifi, lips always read a slang. 

The classroom was a circus, teachers called us naughty and rude, lunch breaks went hungry as we already ate the food in between classes. 

Our pens and pencils were used for pen and pencil fights, they became knives, scales were swords, we played stupid tantrums when we were bored and immitated teachers. 

Making sweet, innocent puppy faces when we got caught. 

School may be hard and annoying but we all miss it when it ends. 

My dear school, you make me smile, hey classmates, let's go back again for a while?? 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...