Sunday, May 23, 2021

Friendship vs. Relationship

 You give your whole heart to your love and they break it but you give your broken heart to a friend and they make it. 
One day, both love and friendship met. Love asked "why do you exist when I already do"?
Friendship responded with a smile: " To put a smile where you leave tears and this response left love speechless. 
"L"- 12th letter of alphabets
"O"- 15th 
"V"- 22nd
"E"- 5th 
The total of LOVE is 54
But similarly, 
"F"- 6th letter 
"R"- 18th 
"I"- 9th 
"E"- 5th 
"N"- 14th 
"D"- 4th 
"S"- 19th 
"H"- 8th 
"I"- 9th 
"P"- 16th 
Total- 108 which is exactly twice of LOVE- 54
So, the value of friendship is way more than the value of love. 
Friendship has the ability to mend broken hearts but love doesn't have this ability. 
Friendship means forgiveness and getting back everytime single time but in love, once it's OVER, it's permanently OVER, there is no forgiveness. 
Loving somebody with all your heart is relationship- the connection between 2 hearts is relationship 
But, the relationship between heart and heartbeat is friendship. 
Relationship is body whereas friendship is soul
Relationship is tree, friendship is the root that builds the tree. 
Friends are there for you when love ceases to be, they will never fail you or make you feel low when love does. They might not be by your side all throughout, but for sure, they will never EVER abandon you. In all the happiness it brings to your life, friendship is indeed many times better than getting your heart broken. 


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...