Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Without a friend like you!

I remember the way we argued, but still remained glued to one another. 
I think about the way we shared, and how we cared for each other. 
I remember all the promises we made to one another, I hope that our friendship never fades.. 
Without a friend like you there seems to be no beat in the music, no fun in the rain. 
The parties, outings and days seem incomplete without you. I find it hard to breathe without you my dear. 
I miss you so much yaar- I miss everything at the moment. 
I miss the long hours of talking, the concern and the advices you used to give me and many such beautiful outing moments. 
Missing you is like seeing the empty seat beside me and knowing that my day is not the same at all without your sweet presence in it. 
In life, we make so many friends, 
some are beloved, 
some are special, 
some go abroad, 
some change their cities, 
some left us, 
we left some, 
some are in contact, 
some are not in contact, 
some don't contact because of their EGO, 
we don't contact some because of our EGO,
whatever role they played, however they were, 
we still remember,love,miss,care for them, because of the part they played to make memories. 
Hope to see you all soon, I really miss you my dear friends! 


It is not at all fun, staying at home not going anywhere. 
The streets are quiet. 
The birds will never stop chirping and singing. 
Missing my school friends makes me want to shed a tear. 
No more going to youth clubs, visiting freinds and family, etc. 
Going to restaurants, malls was fun, it's all past!
Stay home, stay safe is all that we hear at the moment!
Wash your hands!
Cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing! 
It will all be OVER one day and we will all BE FREE!!

Friday, April 16, 2021


There is no sweeter sound on Earth than a child's laughter but my heart aches if I see a child crying. 
There is nothing more contagious than a child's laughter, it doesn't even have to matter what they are laughing about. 
A child's laughter is the light of the home. One of the greatest joys in life is watching a child laugh wholeheartedly. 
A child's laughter is so powerful that it can make you forget all the troubles and sorrows in life. 
Dear little ones, use your SMILE to change this world but NEVER let the world change your smile.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 When you give importance to people they think that you are always free but they don't understand that you make yourself available for them every time. 
When too much of importance and priority is given to someone, your value in their life is lost. 
Sometimes its just that you should distance yourself from people. If they care, they will notice. If not, you know where you really stand. 
There always comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans being too much available for people who wouldn't even jump puddles to help you when you need it the most. 
If you spend too long holding onto the one who treats you like an option, you will miss the one who truly from the heart treats you like a priority. 
Never give too much priority or importance to anyone in your life, a small change in your behaviour hurts you a lot and kills you from inside.
Try to survive your life on your own never depend on others. It's your life not theirs. 
There are 3 things in life that leave and never return: WORDS, TIME AS WELL AS OPPORTUNITIES. Therefore, value whoever values you and don't treat people who treats you like an option as a priority. 
I always used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone, but later I realized it is to end up with people who make you feel all alone. 
People will say something or the other, its their business to talk but your business is to do the right thing always and treat them just like they treat you and never make them a priority. 

Eternal love

 Love is a feeling that cannot be expressed in a few words and it is the best feeling the heart can feel. 
Anyone can catch your eye but it takes someone special to catch your heart. 
A friend's love says if you ever need anything, I will be there, true love says you will never need anything, I will be there. 
To the world, you are one person but to one person, you are the world. 
To be loved isn't a cake walk until and unless the person knows you. If the person knows you, your drawbacks and tantrums, loving is much easier. 
A first hug from the right person makes you feel peace all of a sudden and its more like it's the safest place. 
A life without love is just and more about self-care, it would make you be more independent and stop overcaring for everyone else around you. 
Once you love and are loved, forgetting that person is hard, to not miss is one of the hardest things, just a part and parcel of getting used to live without that person. 
Talking to your loved one and spending time with that person just for a minute out of 24 hours makes your day. 
When you talk to them, how much you miss and love them is expressed. 
If you love them with all your heart, there are never ending calls and talks. 
It's hard to even imagine that you won't be able to meet your loved one after a few years or so of waiting for the right moment. It's just like hardwork paid nothing. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

...Until we meet again

 Those special and beautiful memories of yours will always bring a smile. If only I could have you back just for a little while, then we would sit and talk again just like we used to. 
You always meant the world to me and still do too. 
The fact that you are not there will always cause me immense pain but you are always and forever in my heart. 
Your presence in my life was a blessing, your memory was and still is a treasure. 
You are loved beyond words and missed beynd measure. 
You have left me and my life but you will never EVER leave my heart. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...