Wednesday, April 28, 2021


It is not at all fun, staying at home not going anywhere. 
The streets are quiet. 
The birds will never stop chirping and singing. 
Missing my school friends makes me want to shed a tear. 
No more going to youth clubs, visiting freinds and family, etc. 
Going to restaurants, malls was fun, it's all past!
Stay home, stay safe is all that we hear at the moment!
Wash your hands!
Cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing! 
It will all be OVER one day and we will all BE FREE!!


  1. Hmm true, we all will see good days again

  2. Yes amma, let's hope for the best; thank you!

  3. Lockdown and corona period is a boon to Mother Earth in a way reducing the pollution levels and trying to Maintain an ecological balance. Let’s all hope we can go back soon to our previous days.

  4. Good write up dear!!!
    Testing time for all..positivity and staying strong both physically and mentally is very important...hope we all come out it soon...

  5. Yes aunty,hoping for the best! Thank you!!

  6. Lockdown is an oppurtunity to get ourselves strong. And to make our inner mental & physical textures strong...

  7. Yes atha that's true, tq for your inputs!!


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...