Sunday, November 8, 2020


 The day we know each others worth,the day we start talking the most and the day we become closer, we might not meet each other everyday and that is the time we miss each other the most. 
Sometimes, I miss you so much that I start to wonder how I am going to get through the pain but at that moment, I remember the things you did and said and it automatically brings a smile on my face through the tears. 
We are going to different high schools, 
I know it will be hard. 
We were and will always be best friends and now we fell apart. 
I will always remember the good days we had throughout the 4 long years.
The only thing that makes my heart yearn is that there is no more laughter to adore and enjoy. 
Always remember that you always have a special place reserved in my heart!!
The memories that we had throughout the years brings a smile upon my face sometimes and sometimes, they break my heart completely!!
" I will never let my ego win over our friendship." I miss you so much😞☹️!!


  1. A friend in a need also in deed mind it forever chichu

  2. A chasmic reality of your friendship paves us readers into a path of semblance. This was nostalgic indeed . Keep up the good work

  3. Puttu, a great message to a friend... You are lucky and your friend is lucky. Let your friendship flourish..

  4. Puttu, a great message to a friend... You are lucky and your friend is lucky. Let your friendship flourish..

  5. Putti, you may make some great friends in your life, keep up the good work!!!

  6. Thank you so much amma and appa!!

  7. A poignant description that reminds us to value every moment of our friendship.....Friendship is sempiternal...Keep going:)

  8. One of the best reading this I remember ...............


I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...