Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 Grandparents make the world........ a little softer, a little kinder and a little warmer. 
When grandparents were created on this planet, the world was blessed truly with all  the special joys. 
They know how to make you happy, how to do things that warm a heart, they touch our lives with utmost care right from the very start. 
They are the people who have ears that really  listen, arms that are always ready to hug and hold, love that is everlasting and a heart made of gold. 
There is a special kind of love we all have for our grandparents. It is filled with respect for their wisdom and accomplishments... 
With gratefulness for the values they have imbibed in us.. 
With delight in the stories they remember and share with the younger generations. 
It is a special kind of love felt today and always built on a lifetime of giving as well as sharing.
Thank You So Much granny and granpa for everything you have done and sacrificed for me- you are the pillars of my strength and the reason behind my success. 
Miss you the most granpa😭😞 and love you to the moon and back granny and granpa💙💝!!

Sunday, November 8, 2020


 The day we know each others worth,the day we start talking the most and the day we become closer, we might not meet each other everyday and that is the time we miss each other the most. 
Sometimes, I miss you so much that I start to wonder how I am going to get through the pain but at that moment, I remember the things you did and said and it automatically brings a smile on my face through the tears. 
We are going to different high schools, 
I know it will be hard. 
We were and will always be best friends and now we fell apart. 
I will always remember the good days we had throughout the 4 long years.
The only thing that makes my heart yearn is that there is no more laughter to adore and enjoy. 
Always remember that you always have a special place reserved in my heart!!
The memories that we had throughout the years brings a smile upon my face sometimes and sometimes, they break my heart completely!!
" I will never let my ego win over our friendship." I miss you so much😞☹️!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 All across the world, 
people are speaking of gender equality since long. 
But they are taking its meaning wrong. 
Equality is when no restrictions are imposed on me and it is when no fear will torture me and make my heart bleed. 
I will consider equality when I can walk alone from college to home without facing any staring eyes. 
I will never compromise by hearing this: " YOU ARE A GIRL"!!
Equality is when I can find my flaws out and stand on my own feet. 
It is when there is no or zero discrimination between girls and boys. 
It is when I can fulfill my wishes and dreams. 
It is mainly when people will let me see this beautiful earth with my eyes wide open. 
A girl brings joy, she is no less than a boy so SAVE GIRL CHILD AND TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT!!

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...