Monday, May 18, 2020


All of us have fun and play holi with colours,
And our soldiers play it with their guns and rifles.
Keeping their own life at risk,
they give us a comfortable life.
Honestly speaking, a soldier is never sure of his life,
And he has no idea if he will ever meet his son, daughter and wife.
Hats off to these spectacular souls and a huge salute,
Is nothing compared to a soldier, his hardwork,his life and sacrifice.
Apart from a soldier, his family also comprises, children sometimes starve to spend time with their father, mother's sometimes do not even get to see the dead body of their only son 
And I have no words to express the love of a wife,
Her sacrifices are of invaluable worth.
After all his compromises for our motherland, a soldier must be remembered forever but unfortunately, he is just remembered for a month or two after his death,
This completely saddens me and makes my heart bleed, media is told to stay away too.
I am just here to say that each and every soldier in the Indian army is loved abundantly.
The nation is strong and proud only because of all the soldiers in the Indian army!!
All of us love you, respect you and we are ready to sacrifice anything for you and for our motherland's welfare.
                                            JAI HIND!!    


The journey with a sister is and will always be truly lovely.
She is the person who bullied me many a times and she did things to irritate me.
She showed that she does not care at all but I know that she definitely cares as we both share a blood to blood relation with one another.
Her love for me was unexplainable and I definitely value it!!
She made me cry a million times but the very next moment, she showed me how much she loves me.
All the love and memories that we share is what bonds me to her  at this very moment.
Having a sister like you is a blessing!!
You are a piece of my heart, a pillar of my strength, the joy of my life, a slice of me, you are not only my sister, you are my world my dear❤!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Dear best friend,
"Life can give us a number of beautiful friends"
                                 BUT DO REMEMBER THAT
"Only true friends can give us a beautiful life"
One of my true friend is"YOU"😍
Sweet heart is a special word for love
Love is a special word for care
Care is a special word for friends 
Friends is a special word for you and for me.
To know you is an adventure,
To care for you is an art😊,
To listen to you is a honour,
To talk to you is a pleasure
BUT to have you as a friend for life, 
is an absolute treasure!!



Always being happy is a blessing because not everyone is as happy as you are today at this moment.
Happiness is everything and do remember that it is not at all based on money and sometimes, it is also not based on what you are actually doing, it is primarily about who you are with, if you are with a joyful person and a person you love, you will be happy automatically, your mood will definitely change within a fraction of a second if you are with the right person!!
It is about living without anger, sadness, ego and regrets.
A three letter word EGO has the capability to break a twelve letter word RELATIONSHIP but the words JOY AND HAPPINESS have the capability to make the relationship.
Never let EGO take over but do allow HAPPINESS to take over and make your heart swing.
Do not expect much instead give what you can and take whatever is given to you ( small or big).
It is your prime responsibility to be happy and to make everyone else around you happy.
A hearty smile can definitely make your day, a small token of love and your smile is enough to make the day of the person who is craving for help. 
Always have a beautiful smile on your face, it will make your face glow.
It is not at all costly, it is priceless and it will definitely make a trillion other hearts swing and a trillion other eyes will be brightened with happiness.
It takes nothing except for a wonderful smile on your face and a small token of love and affection.
Keep smiling and make others smile too along with you!!

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...