Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Loyalty is a pearl among grains of sand and only those who really understand its meaning can see it. 
Loyalty is a privilege, never a right. I do things for you all my dear friends because I care not because I owe you something or expect something back in return. 
There’s nothing better than a loyal and caring friend so if you find one in life, cherish them and that friendship. 
Loyalty comes into picture when a person stays true behind your back and doesn’t hide anything from you be it a hurt, a happy moment or anything. Anyone can speak amazing things about you in front of you but speak rubbish behind your back but the loyal ones really don’t predict. 
Your friends loyalty lasts longer than their memory. In the course of a long friendship, fights are common, we tend to fight but a true friend will forget the fight in a while because their loyalty to their friend outweighs the memory of their disagreement.


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