Saturday, December 31, 2022

Bonne Annèe

 Another year is almost over, just a day to go and I want to thank the special people in my life who have listened without judgement, helped without conditions and understood with empathy. 

As the year ends, I will not cry over bad days, despair over failures, most importantly, I will not forget the lessons I learnt, I will not let any incident from the past devastate me or make me less courageous and brave and I will never stop believing in myself. 

Whatever has happened in the past year, the new year brings fresh beginnings and exciting new experiences. Let us all be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we begin our new year with an optimistic,open minded nature and with a positive note. Let us all promise each other to be a little more gentle with each other, understand each other better, love each other a little more, show empathy, care a little more and be as kind as possible. No grudges, judgments,ego and attitude. 

Happy new year to each and everyone of you. Hope this year is filled with happiness,success,prosperity,love,care and kindness. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas

Everyone is happy, 
Everyone is jolly. 
We call this Christamas and it's time to have fun. 
Don't be gloomy, 
Appreciate the beauty. 
Just look at the stars, 
And wish what you want. 
No time to worry, 
No time for dissappointment and grudges, 
It's time to be peaceful and happy. 
Be thankful and glad for everything you have!
Wishing you all the happiness and new experinces and adventures this new season and year. 
I wish you all a Joyful and Merry Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Acrostic Poem on Friendship

 F riendships are hard to measure 
R eal ones are quite a treasure. 
In good and bad times, we always know, 
E ach friend will help us grow and lend a hand in every possible way.
N ow there are friends who must move apart 
D istance can't separate the love in their hearts.

Wanna know what Manogna stands for?

 Curious to know??
M agnanimous 
A wesome 
N aughty around the right people😋😀
O pen hearted 
G enuine and generous 
N oble 
A mazing 
Yes, that's what my name means. 
Lovely, isn't it? 
Try yours out!! 


 Mirror mirror on the wall 
 It doesn't matter if I am tall or short, if I have skinny legs or if I  
am skinny or stout. 
 Blue eyes , brown , black or green... 
 what makes me most beautiful as a person can't be seen. 
 Don't judge what you observe since you see a mirror is unique and a peculiar thing. 
The most beautiful thing about me is my heart- who I am  inside, my self confidence  , self motivation and self esteem. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Compassion and Kindness

 Compassion and kindness come from within, they are born in the heart. 
I am compassionate and kind as well and I am proud to say so since these gifts are rare among today's generation. If people misunderstand this nature of mine and take advantage of it, I can't help that, all I can say is that they lost a gem in their life looking for small stones and drawbacks. 
A beautiful person with a beautiful mind is badly needed in today's world. 
Knowing such people is amazing since they think about others before thinking abour themselves or their well being, their gift is to empathize with others. 
People will forget what you said, what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel so no matter what the situation is, always be respectful and show compassion. 

Taking Advantage

 When people know you are trustworthy, they have a tendancy, to take advantage of you. 
This of course isn't fair at all. 
With the confidence that they trust you, you tend to share everything with them, they tend to share everything with you causing unneccesary ruckus and fights among people and you also tend to do more than your share. 
You have to assert yourself at the very beginning. If you don't, you will always be at their command. 
What it actually comes down to is that if you are not happy, you have only yourself to blame for always doing more than what is needed and being extra kind. 
Once you take a stand, control your emotions, feelings and actions, it's another ball game. 

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...