Monday, December 13, 2021

Cute Love

 In Math, love is an equation. 
In History, its a war. 
In Chemistry, its a reaction and in art, its a heart. 
In love, it never matters how you look, what your height or weight are, how much makeup you put on or what dress you wear, the right person will love you with all your imperfections. 
One of the cutest and most wonderful thing is when someone falls in love with you who you thought you never had a chance to experinece love with. 
To love a person in a cute way is to see all their magic and what's hidden inside them and to remind them of it when they have forgotten. 
Poetry is my love and its eternal. It is my very first and only love. 
Poetry is what shapes my life, enables me to think out of the box, put all my emotions on paper without any sort of difficulty and if its regarded as a person, it loves me with all my imperfections, ups and downs and it gives me the exact right feel of cute and heartwarming love when needed. 


Priceless Things

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