Thursday, January 14, 2021

Bus fun

 Ages before, I used to cry when I saw you, my parents took me into their arms, consoled me, bought some chocolates and sent me back with you. 
Within a few weeks, I felt really happy and comfortable to be with you along with all my friends having alot of irrelevant and untitled conversations and after we were done, none of us knew where we actually started. 
Now, again I cry when I see you longing to be with you and thinking of all those sweet and bitter moments I had with you and all my friends. 
The most interesting part, school bus memories- always engraved in our hearts. Sometimes they make me happy and have a smile on my face but sometimes, they make me sad too. 
Seeing the school bus, I didn't run away this time. It took me closer to the memories of my school days. 
The school bus stopped in front of me once, as I was about to step in- I realized it didn't stop for me- not anymore 😭😞🚌🚍!!


  1. wow, so heart touching chinnu…

  2. Wow chichu you remembered my childhood.... Apart that well poetries were slipping from your pen..... Keep on going...

  3. Good old childhood memories remain fresh forever. You have beautifully captured those School bus times.

  4. Thank you so much vinila aunty!!

  5. Good one. Keep it up and kerp writing

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Woah! Each one more impregnable than the last! Keep going!πŸ‘

  8. Good job Manogna. Good old memories are always refreshing.

  9. Wow manogna great!! Keep it up

  10. Thank you so much varshith,kushi and unknown I don't know who its i am sorry

  11. Wooooowwwwwww that's sooooo gooooodddddd ommmmggggg πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜
    Loooovveeee itttttty
    Your the beeesssssssttttttt :)))) 😘
    ~mans (you made me do it. Again.)

  12. Again the same thing mansi anyways tqsm dearπŸ₯°πŸ’•!!

  13. Being in quarrantine I really missed school and after reading this amazing piece it reminded me of my sweet times back in india while going to school . You have the skills of a writer gurl. A writer think and chooses his/her words and uses them in a powerful manner to bring those emotions on paper to life and make the reader feel it and conjure it. you certainly have that gifted talent. Keep it up!!


I Miss You , Nunnamma

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