Thursday, March 12, 2020

a mesmerising poem on love

Love should be of care,
which should not be rare.
It should be of thoughts, 
which cannot be bought.
It should be colourful,
which makes us soulful.
It should be of sharing,
which will create daring.
It should be of trust,
which should never burst.
It should not have any fears,
And should last for years together.
It should be of togetherness,
which should not be less.
It should be like a never- ending dream,
which should be sweeter than ice- cream😋.


Mother is the one who saves the world.
She is the one who makes the world a beautiful place to live in.
Do not hurt her, always help her because she is the one who makes you feel comfortable and gives you life.
She is the one who always sacrifices for your well being, she is the one who gives you a life that is worth it.
She is the only peson who smiled when you cried(the day you were born and the day she had a look at you for the very first time).
She is the one who let you see the world in your own way.
Honestly speaking, she is a blessing and your first best friend. 
She is also a person who can love you more than herself.😊💜

my mega poem on JOY

Joy is when you are at school,
Joy is when you are with your friends,
Joy is when you care,share,give and take love.
Joy is when you are loved, 
Joy is the best key to happiness and success.
There are many people who bring in JOY to your life.
They change your life into a much amazing way.
These magnanimous people are none other than your best friends, teachers and parents. 
Bringing in joy is not so easy, it takes alot to make a person happy and joyful and I am a person who is joyful and happy and I really love to make and see everybody around me happy and joyful forever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A sweet and beautiful love poem

Love is astounding , life is truly incomplete without love.
A beloved person is just what is needed to have a wonderful smile on your face,the person who can love you and care for you unconditionally.
A beloved person is a vital part of your everyday life and is your pillar of strength. 
He/she teaches you the value of love, affection, care, truthfulness and many other qualities. 
A beloved person helps you fight against tough times when no one else lend a helping hand which makes you feel secured and confident. 
In the world today, a person who can love you without boundaries is required for each and every indiviual. 
A person who stands for you no matter what the situation is.
That person's pleasant talk always melts your heart.
Nothing is beautiful if your beloved one is not around. Everything that you observe and experience is made ten times better  if that person is around.
Your beloved person plays the role of a best friend, a mother, a sister and what not.
A person who gives you a shoulder to cry upon.
That sweet person's smile is your signature and it always makes your day.
Each day is better and more wonderful with that person's texts, presence and heartwarming gestures💜💚. 
Love is a feeling that cannot be expalined in few words😊

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...