Thursday, March 11, 2021

Shattered Trust

 Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if its broken but still see the cracks in that reflection. 
Trust doesn't come with a refill. Once it's gone, you probably won't get it back and if you do, it will never be the same again and that's a fact!!
It take "YEARS" to bulid up trust, only seconds to "DESTROY" it. 
If somebody broke your trust for the 1st time, it's their mistake. But if they broke it the 2nd time, it's your mistake to trust them again. 
When you completely trust a person with all your heart, you will automatically receive one of the two things- a friend for a lifetime or a lesson for life. 
So, DON'T EXPECT TOO MUCH AND LIVE LIFE PEACEFULLY!! You may be kind and helpful but don't you ever expect the opposite person to be like you- NOT EVERYONE HAS A HEART LIKE YOU!!


  1. Well said... trust is the backbone of any relationship

  2. I'm trusting you that your texts would help for future ones.. Your philosophy texts would help in any generations...

  3. Nice write definitely plays an imp takes time to build trust

  4. Thank you so much vinila aunty and jayashree atha!!

  5. Very well said Manogna. Keep up the good work.

  6. Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if its broken but still see the cracks in that reflection......what you said is true one of the best keep it manogna


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