Tuesday, June 30, 2020


A best friend is the one who is definitely very special to you in your life. 
They are the ones who are extremely helpful and supportive in a way that melts your heart, they are the only people who travel that extra mile if you are in a danger. 
They are the ones who are there for you whatever happens to give their thoughtful advices and to console you. Do rememeber that, they are always a one call away. 
I really thank all my best friends for their kindness which can never be repaid and for their understanding which brought in a difference in my life. 


When I have a horrible day and when I m not in a good mood or in simple words, when I want to be alone, I find my peace in my room. 
Of the entrance, on the door, there is a hello kitty drawing which which welcomes everybody to my room with a cheerful smile. 
My room is very small and it is beside my grandmother's room, though it is small, I have everything I need. 
There is a curtain with charming butterflies on it. On one side of the room, my study table, board, an enormous world map and two photo frames with spectacular pictures of mine and my friends are placed. My books and an India map are kept for reference on my study table. 
Moving on to the other corner of the room, my bed, a family and friend's collage and a wonderful poem that I wrote are placed. My room has a balcony attached to it as well, the balcony is too small but there are ravishing flower pots and an exquisite scenery can be observed.
My room is the only place that does not judge me no matter what I do and it is the only place that gives me confidence, it makes me trust in myself more and explore myself as well!!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Life may not treat you in the same way always,
still, my definition to happiness is always the same.
For a just born baby, the definition to happiness is first looking at the world which is absolutely new and exciting to the little infant.
For a one year old, it is standing alone and walking on their own feet getting praised by their parents.
As babies, their happinesses were definitely as tiny as them as their brains were too small to think big.

For a two year old, it is pulling his/her toys while walking.
For a three year old preschooler, it is to tell stories with enthusiasm and eagerness and to meet their first batch of friends as a toddler.
For a four year old, it is to speak clearly and to call out their parents and relatives names for the very first time.
For a five year old, happiness is the first adult breaking of their teeth through the gums which will definitely be a surprising gesture for them.
For a six year old child, it is to be able to understand the concept of numbers with great difficulty.
For a seven year old, it is to accept differences of opinion.
For a eight year old, it is to dress completely in their own style and gain knowledge on fashion.
For a nine year old, happiness is to comprehend their own emotions and control them and also become more socialized.
For a ten year old preteenager, it is to get greater independence towards organizing school work and becoming a responsible citizen.
For a eleven year old, it is to meet different people from different backgrounds and it is also making their own decisions on different matters.
For a twelve year old, happiness is being able to do social activities along with friends.
Every preteenager's happinesses grow a lot at this stage as they start to understand much more clearly.
For a thirteen year old teenager, it is to understand the conceps of love and faith and treat people appropriately.
For a fourteen year old, it is to understand human relations in a very detailed manner and it is also to mingle along with many new people and understand them.

For a fifteen year old, happiness is to communicate like an adult and hold appropriate conversations on burning topics and it is also to enjoy life to its fullest.
This is my definition to happiness at each stage of every child's life from when he/she was a new born baby till their current age.
According to my point of view, our lifespan increases if we are always cheerful and we definitely become more beautiful by heart.
Therefore, I would like to conclude with these spectacular words: "SPREAD HAPPINESS TO A TRILLION HAERTS AND MAKE THOSE HEARTS SWING SLONG WITH YOUR HEART". 


They might not have a mouth to vent it out , but they are living beings too.
Infact, they are living beings who help each one of us when no one else does .
They are creatures which need to be taken care of the most.
According to my point of view, animals make the world around us seem spectacular, that is their beauty.
Without them on this planet, the human beings have no food to feed on.
They help you survive and live life happily.
Humanity is definitely failing each day .
Even though, they are suffering and dyeing from inside, they never try to harm anyone.
Animal safety is a very important aspect and my heart bleeds when an animal is harmed.
These innocent creatures need justice for sure.
This act is no less than a murder or a rape on another human.
Moreover, these animals always saved us despite the humans harming them . 
I always feel that we, the human beings must learn a lot from them: we must learn to care, save other lives and many such things. Nobody else will comprehend the strength of my love for you. Above all, you are the only one who knows what my heart feels like from the inside. 
Across Africa, elephants gave a very strong significance to their culture. 
All across the continent, they are very important species , they are tourism guides as well.
They are species that are highly intelligent. 
They also entertain each one of us. 
Not only elephants, each animal that exists on the planet is of great value and each animal contributes to a lot but finally, we accept everything from them but in return, we are hurting them. 
The only thing I would like to say is that each animal should be loved abundantly and it must be given utmost care. 
Our ecosystem is incomplete without these stupendous creatures, it is astonishing only when these caring creatures are in the ecosystem.

Friday, June 5, 2020


It was a spectacular scenery to look at. 
I could fathom the beauty of nature.
There were many tall trees and factories.
Unfortunately, the factories were burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and they produce carbon dioxide and the smoke emitted causes air pollution which in turn causes breathing problems, fish die and many such things happen.
I am a person who is really fond of nature and its beauty.
If we,  the human beings, stop using coal, oil and start using alternative resources, our environment will remain clean and safe and the beauty of nature remains untouched. 
I request each one of you to be a good citizen and start using alternatives instead of coal and oil so that the beauty of nature is untouched and our future generations can also observe "NATURE AT ITS BEST"!! 
Wishing you all a very happy environment day wholeheartedly!!

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Dear best friend,
I am not your heart,
But I still miss you.
I am not your family,
But I care for you.
I am not your blood,
But I am ready to share your pain.
I like you as a friend
More than anyone else.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


A father is the one who takes plenty of care of his children.
He is the one who means the world to his children.
He is the one who is a girl's best friend because his daughter knows that he is the only man who will never break her in life.
He is the one who only expects a beautiful smile on his daughter's face.
He is the one who shows you the true and real world around you.
A father's love is unmeasurable, a father's touch is very comfortable and it feels warm in his arms.
A father is a girl's first superhero, he suggests, listens and defends too sometimes.
Thank You my dear dad for choosing me as your daughter and for everything you have sacrificed for me.
He is the man who makes his children happy by purchasing whatever they ask for but he always sacrifices and uses the same old shoes, purse, etc.
His children's happiness is always his happiness.
A father is someone who holds his daughter's hand for a short period of time but he holds her heart forever.
A father is the only man who keeps his son up even in his failures whereas the entire society devalues him!! 


The sun gives light to us everyday. 
It makes our surroundings look brighter and it also lets us catch sight of many spectacular things like the birds, trees, etc. The sunlight makes us close to the nature.
When I visited a beach in Chennai with my friend, I could spot a spectacular sunset in the seashore of the beach.
The sun made a promise to us saying that it will shine bright everyday. 
A world without sunlight is filled with murk.
We both enjoyed the sunset and had an amazing time in that place. 
We could experience an astounding sunset alongside we could sense the birds perching in the utter silence.
Our thought process was still going on about the birds perching, the water waves and the feeling of the wet sand, it was a tickly, gripply sensation. The sand wedges itself up into your toenails, dusts up in your toe knuckle, and it coats the bottom of your feet like butter on toast and the scenery was a marvellous one.
 I was astonished when I could observe a rainbow that was very catchy to the eye and I could hear the birds chirping with excitement. 
We went in December when the weather was pleasant and cold.
We could experience the plantation of trees along the beach and inside the sea and the animals. It was just a fabulous and joyous scene with the presence of natural vegetation.
The atmosphere is fully reinforced by the aroma of the wonderful sea flowers. It mesmerizes the eyes to observe the beautiful creatures that hover all over the beach and the deep sea waters.
The beach has a perfect view and activities that are delightful to experience. It is a place that everyone would love to be at all times.
After we came out of that place as well, we could recall all the fantastic moments that we had, we could observe NATURE AT ITS BEST!!

This trip will always be cherished in our hearts as distinct memories!!

I Miss You , Nunnamma

  I miss your hugs, so warm and tight and the way you made everything feel right.  Your kind smile, love and care I can never get back.  Lif...