Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom

When alphabets were aliens to me, 

You were there. 

When I was new to writing, 

You held my hand. 

The manners with which I speak today, they are all imbibed from you. 

You punished me when I was wrong and made me realize my mistake. 

You helped me learn from my mistakes and corrected them with all the efforts it took.

For me , every moment is Teachers Day for I admire and respect all my teachers everyday not only on this day. 

To all my teachers, parents, friends, who have taught me something in some or the other way 

All that I have to say is: 

Thank you so much for working so hard for us, showering light upon us, encouraging our dreams and goals. 

I know it’s your duty but as students, it’s our responsibility to make your day and show our immense love to you on this day and every day. 

Without you teachers , no other profession would have been formed . Teachers play a crucial role in every single profession .

As students , we test your patience a lot , thank you for bearing with all of our mischief , understanding the students point of view and being friendly always . 

I understand it takes immense hard work and background work to deliver a lecture standing for hours together , you deliver to us effortlessly . 

That’s what I admire the most , the next being your patience and determination . 

Today , it’s time for all of you to relax , sit back and enjoy , leave it all to your students . 

This is a heartfealt note from all of your students who you treat as your own . 

To all my teachers , thank you for making me who I am today and with your help , I am sure I will reach great heights . 

On a personal end , I am really fond of teaching 

So , who knows ? I may join your community anytime soon 😋... 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Though It All !

When I feel lost, I look and there you are, right behind me. 
A pillar of strength, you walk with me hand in hand. 
In times of joy, sorrow, you are always there as a constant support. 
Your smile lights up every room you enter. 
With you around, everything feels right. 
Through every challenge, big or small, 
You lift me up whenever I fall.
Together we laugh (share the best moments), together we cry (share the worst moments) as well, 
With you by my side, everything feels alright. 
Our friendship and the memories we have shared are perfectly etched in the heart. 
Thank you, dear friend, for all you do, 
In this journey of life, I am really glad I have you. 
Our bond is so strong, it will never end. 
Happy friendship day, my constant.

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Gentle Heart

 In this vast world where every soul carries its own burdens, let us choose kindness above all. 
We are each other's shelter from the storms of life, and our words and actions can be as soothing as a gentle rain.
Why bring clouds of sorrow when we can be the sunlight that brightens someone's day? 
Every smile we share, every comforting word we speak, creates ripples of joy that can touch countless hearts.
Let us remember that behind every face is a story we do not fully know, and it is within our power to add a chapter of hope and warmth. 
When we choose not to inflict pain, we foster a world of compassion and empathy. 
It is easy to overlook the impact of a harsh word or a thoughtless deed, but these can leave scars unseen. 
Conversely, the simplest acts of kindness can heal and uplift. 
A kind gesture, a moment of understanding, or a bit of patience can transform a scowl into a smile. 
As we walk our paths, let us tread lightly and lovingly, mindful of the delicate hearts we encounter. 
In making a conscious effort to never make anybody sad, we weave a tapestry of trust and love that binds us all together, creating a world where every heart feels cherished and understood. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Actions Matter Most

Words can be spoken , easy and light , 
But our actions show what's true and right.
A helping hand , a friendly smile , 
Actions make life worthwhile. 
Love is not what you say , 
Love is what you do.
In actions , affection grows , pure and true , 
In actions lies the hearts' story.
So , let us write our tales with deeds , not just speak , 
For actions are the language strong and unique. 
In the end , when all is heard and observed , 
Actions matter more than any word deserved. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

 Appa , you are always there , 
With love and lots to share . 
Your hugs are warm and true . 
You teach me right from wrong , 
With patience , firm and strong . 
You cheer me on each day , 
In your own sweet and special way . 
On this Father's Day Appa , I say , 
Thank you so much for everything , in every way . 
For all you do , big and small , 
You are the best dad I could ever ask for . 
I love you so much , respect you and you are my inspiration in so many ways ( you inspire me to do the best always ) . 

Friday, June 14, 2024

An Act of Love

 People we love , near and dear , bring us joy and dry our tears.
Family, friends and loved ones too, make us happy, through and through. 
With them, we laugh, with them, we cry, they help us soar and reach great heights. 
A smile, a hug, a gentle touch and a kind word or gesture can mean so very much. 
Listen close and always care, love and kindness, freely share. 
In hearts where love does stay, brightens every single day. 
Hold them close, keep them near, show them love and care. 
Cherish friends and family too, they will always be there for you. 
Your small act of kindness has the ability to brighten someone's day out there and eventually there will be smiles everywhere. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Happy Hour

 Memories have the power to make you both happy and sad at the same time.
The worst part is that my happy days ( best memories ) last only for seconds and the worst ones drag for weeks.  
In happy hours warm light , 
We remember all the times so bright and close to the heart. 
With our loved ones and friends , we laugh , enjoy and make the most of the time spent together. 
In this moment , troubles fade , 
In our hearts , joy is made. 
All these simple times are cherished as the clock gently chimes. 
The greatest joys of life are happy memories.
Our job is to make the best use of every moment and make as many happy memories as possible. 

Pearls of Wisdom

When alphabets were aliens to me,  You were there.  When I was new to writing,  You held my hand.  The manners with which I speak today, the...